Doing FullSimplify[ToRadicals[res, Assumptions -> assum], assum]
is taking too much time for a simple expression. Am I doing something wrong? Is there anything I can do to make it finish?
Here's the full code, everything runs fast until the FullSimplify
assum = 0 < v < c && L > 0 && t > 0 && x > 0 && a > 0 &&
0 < cmedium < c && c > 2 v && 1 <= n < c && n >= 1;
b = v/c
g = 1/Sqrt[(1 - b^2)]
cmedium = c/n + v (1 - 1/n^2);
t1s = Solve[t == Sqrt[(L/g + v*t)^2 + (x - a)^2]/cmedium && assum, t]
res = Normal[t /. First@t1s]
FullSimplify[ToRadicals[res, Assumptions -> assum], assum]
Simplify[Solve[t == Sqrt[(L/g + v*t)^2 + (x - a)^2]/cmedium, t], assum]