Mathematica keeps giving me the "Re" function in an evaluation, even though my parameter assumptions should be enough to deduce the real part:
Here is the latex result:
As you can see, I keep getting the Real function in the exponential, but I do not know how to get rid of it... My assumptions should make it clear which one is the imaginary part, since I give as assumtpions that all parameters are real...
Here is the code:
z[y_] := (B^2 + 1)^(1/4) + B/(B^2 + 1) kx;
F[n_] := Integrate[Exp[-z[y]^2]*HermiteH[n, z[y]]*Exp[-(y - y0)^2/(4 σ^2) + I k0y*y],
{y, -Infinity, Infinity}, Assumptions -> σ > 0 && kx ∈ Reals &&
B ∈ Reals && k0y ∈ Reals && y0 ∈ Reals];
16 E^(-2 Re[ Sqrt[1 + B^2] + (2 B kx)/(1 + B^2)^(3/4) + (B^2 kx^2)/(1 + B^2)^2 - Ik0y (y0 + σ^2 Ik0y)]) π Abs[(((1 + B^2)^(1/4) + B^2 (1 + B^2)^(1/4) + B kx) σ)/(1 + B^2)]^2
I guess my question is: How can I get rid of the Re function? Future computations will become much lengthier so I want to be able to short it now.