i try to do the following
Assuming[k\[Element] Integers,Residue[Cos[x]/x^(k+1),{x,0}]]
but any respond how to calculate for any k the k derivate of Cos function thanks
You could use SeriesCoefficient
res[k_] = Assuming[
k ∈ Integers && k > 0,
FullSimplify @ SeriesCoefficient[x^(-1-k) Cos[x], {x, 0, -1}]
Cos[(k π)/2]/k!
Table[Residue[x^(-1-k) Cos[x], {x, 0}], {k, 10}]
{0, -(1/2), 0, 1/24, 0, -(1/720), 0, 1/40320, 0, -(1/3628800)}
{0, -(1/2), 0, 1/24, 0, -(1/720), 0, 1/40320, 0, -(1/3628800)}