This is not a critical bug yet another issue that I should not waste time on.
, WindowSize -> Automatic
, WindowMargins -> 50
I want to set the same options for a notebook that was saved with WindowSize -> Full
(F12) without noticing it was saved in full screen. So via Visible->False
path = FileNameJoin[{$TemporaryDirectory, "test.nb"}];
Export[path, Notebook[{}, WindowSize -> Full]]
nb = NotebookOpen[path, Visible -> False];
, WindowSize -> Automatic
, WindowMargins -> 50
SetOptions[nb, Visible -> True];
Problem on Win10
This does not work for me, nb
is located on the left side of my screen with size of a default new notebook.
Commenters suggested doing SetOptions
sequentially, which works, however
Problem persists on MacOSX 10.13+
and all my experiments lead me to a conclusion that:
In this OS you can't toggle full screen more when the notebook is Visible->False
Can you reproduce this problem? Any tips?
SetOptions[nb, WindowSize -> Automatic]; SetOptions[nb, WindowMargins -> 50]
also works. $\endgroup$