
What I'm after might be thought of as operating on the 'rope' that KnotData[] uses. Specifically, I'd like to be able to specify that the knot is to be made of a prism (not the Mathematica Prism[], which is always triangular) whose cross section could be a not-necessarily-regular $n$-gon, and could be twisted a la the Möbius strip. Looking at the daunting appearance of the InputForm[] of KnotData[] convinces me that polygonalization and twisting steps should precede KnotData[] - but how?

Here is the InputForm[] structure for several knots (e.g., Torus, Trefoil)

Graphics3D[{{GraphicsComplex[{{-0.53993, -0.00924, 0.16395}, ... ,
                           {-0.50971, 0.00165, 0.07456}}, 
    GraphicsGroup[{Polygon[{{1, 2, 14, 13}, ... , 
                             {8820, 8809, 8821, 8832}}]}]}, {}}}, 
VertexNormals -> {{0.00026, -0.18488, 0.98276}, ...,
                  {0.60404, 0.15619, -0.78149}}]}}, 
{Boxed -> False, PlotRange -> {All, All, All}, PlotRangePadding -> 
{Automatic, Automatic, Automatic}, ViewPoint -> {0, 0.01, 5}}]

Notes: Tube seems to be the default (whether explicitly specified, or not, as in the above). Documentation, i.e., ref/KnotData, shows the use of Sphere to accomplish a similar goal. And, speaking of docs, there seems to be an omission: Below list of Classes omits "Ribbon", "Slice", and "Twist" though all three are included in the "Basic classes of knots" in ref/KnotData. Both "Alternating" and "Nonalternating" are listed as "Basics", though it appears that "Nonalternating" should be with the other Non's in "Negative classes of knots."


{"Alternating", "Amphichiral", "Chiral", "Composite", "Hyperbolic",
"Invertible", "Nonalternating", "Nonhyperbolic", "Noninvertible",
"Nonsatellite", "Nontorus", "Prime", "Satellite", "Torus"}

Lastly, I obviously haven't gotten the hang of Markdown yet. Much obliged.


1 Answer 1


What follows is basically @TeakeNutma's answer to Extruding along a path, but modified to allow arbitrary n-gons as the cross section. First, here is one way to obtain a parametrized n-gon. Suppose the points making up the 2D n-gon are given in a list pts. For example:

pts = {{1, 0}, {-1/2, 1}, {-1/2, -1}};

Then, you can parametrize the n-gon by creating a 3D InterpolatingFunction:

poly = Interpolation[
        Range[0, Length[pts]],
        PadRight[pts, {Length[pts]+1, 3}, PadRight[pts[[1]], 3]]

Let's check out the 2D projection of this InterpolatingFunction:

ParametricPlot[poly[t][[;;2]], {t, 0, Length[pts]}]

enter image description here

The space curve for a knot can be obtained using the "SpaceCurve" property:

knot = KnotData["Trefoil", "SpaceCurve"]

{Sin[#1] + 2 Sin[2 #1], Cos[#1] - 2 Cos[2 #1], -Sin[3 #1]} &

Now, we use poly and knot to create your graphic:

    knot[u] + 1/8 RotationMatrix[{{0,0,1},knot'[u]}] . poly[v],
    {u,0,2 Pi},
    Exclusions->None, Boxed->False, Axes->False, Mesh->False, PlotPoints->40

enter image description here

  • $\begingroup$ Many thanks. These functions (and ideas) will give me something to gnaw on for a couple weeks. $\endgroup$
    – Rabbit
    Commented Oct 8, 2017 at 23:26

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