I am trying to figure out what would be best for running some simulations using multiple computers where each has it's own mma 8 licence. The main part of the computation involves a parallelized table which runs the algorithm for different values.
The computers are :
- intel i7 quad core PC
- intel core duo laptop (from where I will be controlling the PC)
Looking around I found two basic options :
- using ssh on Mathematica to run parallel computations
- using remote desktop to control the PC
I am leaning towards the second for two main reasons. First, I assume that I can only use a total of 4 cores in the whole grid given the home licensing (am I wrong or does this only apply to a single license for the whole grid). Given this limitation, if I use remote desktop, I can run two simulations. This would allow me to fully benefit from the quad core PC, while still running stuff on my laptop or even work on some more code.
Is my thinking flawed? Did I miss something in the ssh options/licencing limitations that would make me lean more towards this option?
So it turns out that with multiple licences you can have more than 4 kernels running. Quoting Jagra :
each license will typically grant access to a minimum of 4 parallel kernels + a control kernel
So in my case, I would have 4 kernels on the quad core and 2 on my core duo, plus one control kernel. So I could really see the benefits of running the Grid for parallel kernels, even though I would only be able to use one instance of Mathematica, and not work on code while the algorithm is running. The positive side of LW Grid, as Jagra pointed out, is that you don't need to be sending input/output files between the remote PC and your control PC which can be very time and resource consuming if they are very large.
After contacting Wolfram support, they informed me that Trial licences also provide 4 kernels to the grid. (I was thinking of adding a PC which only has a trial licence for MMA9)