I'm trying to work out a new way of visualizing the Collatz conjecture (or 3n+1 problem) using the Manipulate feature of Mathematica to show paths that numbers take in the 3n+1 problem in the form of a circle.
for those of you who don't know, the Collatz conjecture works as following, if n is even, then n is mapped to n/2, if n is odd, then n is mapped to 3n+1. The question is whether or not every number will eventually cycle into the loop [1-4-2-1]
So, when the code is working correctly, I hope that it will produce m points in a circle, and that using manipulate I will be able to choose a starting point and see that point's path around the circle. (For example, if the starting point is 3, the points path should be [3-10-5-16-8-4-2-1] Here is the current code I have
u = {};
n = 0;
t = tstart;
While[1 < t < 100,
If[Mod[t, 2] == 0,
t = (t/2); n = n + 1; AppendTo[u, n],
t = 3 t + 1; n = n + 1; AppendTo[u, n]]];
p =
With[{nmax = Length[u]},
Table[{-Cos[N[Mod[u[[nos]], m]]*(2 Pi/m)],
Sin[N[Mod[u[[nos]], m]]*(2 Pi/m)]}, {nos, 0, nmax}]];
q = Table[{-Cos[nos*(2 Pi/m)], Sin[nos*(2 Pi/m)]}, {nos, 0, m - 1,
r = Table[
Text[Style[ToString@nos, Medium], q[[nos + 1]] 1.1], {nos, 0,
m - 1, 1}];
Graphics[{{Blue, Circle[{0, 0}, 1.3]}, {AbsoluteThickness[2],
s]},*), {Red, AbsolutePointSize[5], Point[q]}, {Brown, r}},
ImageSize -> {500, 500}], {{m, 10}, 10, 20, 2,
Appearance -> "Labeled"}, {{tstart, 2}, 2, 10, 1,
Appearance -> "Labeled"}]
where the Print[u] and Print [p] lines are only there to try and see what the problem is with the code. (right now when the code is executed a circle with m points shows up on the screen, but no lines appear and there is the message from mathematica
{{-Cos[1/5 π Mod[List,10.]],Sin[1/5 π Mod[List,10.]]},{-0.809017,0.587785}}
is not a point that can be plotted.)
Any help would be awesome since this is my first project ever using Mathematica. Thank you so much!
mathematica indexes lists starting with 1. You're gettingList
is the head of the expression, which in this case isList
. $\endgroup$