Is there any way to see a plot of the accuracy over the Validation set for each round instead of the loss graph, during a NetTrain session?
There probably is and I'm just missing it...
The loss is a more general quantity than accuracy since accuracy is only defined for classification problems. However, you can easily make a custom report function that plots the accuracy as it trains.
resource = ResourceObject["MNIST"];
trainingData = ResourceData[resource, "TrainingData"];
testData = ResourceData[resource, "TestData"];
lenet = NetChain[{
ConvolutionLayer[20, 5], Ramp, PoolingLayer[2, 2],
ConvolutionLayer[50, 5], Ramp, PoolingLayer[2, 2],
FlattenLayer[], 500, Ramp, 10, SoftmaxLayer[]},
"Output" -> NetDecoder[{"Class", Range[0, 9]}],
"Input" -> NetEncoder[{"Image", {28, 28}, "Grayscale"}]
calacc[net_] := Module[{prediction},
prediction = net[testData[[;; , 1]], TargetDevice -> "GPU"];
N@Count[prediction - testData[[;; , 2]], 0]/Length[prediction]
plotSolution[net_] :=
ListPlot[AppendTo[acc, calacc[net]], Joined -> True, Axes -> False,
Frame -> True, Mesh -> All, FrameLabel -> {"Round", "Accuracy"}]
acc = {};
trained =
NetTrain[lenet, trainingData, ValidationSet -> testData,
MaxTrainingRounds -> 20, TargetDevice -> "GPU",
TrainingProgressReporting -> {plotSolution[#Net] &,
"Interval" -> Quantity[1, "Rounds"]}]