I encountered a problem which seems very weird to me. I hope it can be understood from my description and is reproducible.
I try to add up elements of a matrice to a vector (part of FEM), an example would be this:
dirivekb[mat_, vek_, dirilist_, diriwerte_] :=
Module[{nnodes, maxdiri, vektorb},
vektorb = vek;
nnodes = Length[mat];
maxdiri = Length[dirilist];
For[i = 1, i <= nnodes, i++,
vektorb[[i]] =
vektorb[[i]] -
Sum[diriwerte[[j]]*mat[[i, dirilist[[j]]]], {j, 1, maxdiri}];
If I want to do this with a matrice of size 2499 time needed is 0.87 seconds. However, for a matrice of size 2500, the time consumption is huge. For that size, it would take an hour or so, since it then takes about one second per iteration in dirivekb
, It seems the problem is the length of the dirilist
. If I were to set
lend = len/20.;
then the threshold of the time increase would become 5000 elements. I infer that the problem occurs when more than 249 elements is operated on.
What is the reason for that and how can I fix it?
After all it's just elements being multiplied and added up. I tried to code it with Table
and Total
, since I thought the Sum
would use a different method (although I wouldnt understand why) after a certain amount but the behaviour is the same.