
What would be the best way to detect if a pattern corresponds to a string pattern ? An invalid string pattern p would lead to an error in StringMatchQ[string, p] for example.

  • 4
    $\begingroup$ Have a look at System`Dump`validStringExpressionQ[]. $\endgroup$ Commented Nov 20, 2012 at 9:46
  • $\begingroup$ Yes that's the kind of built-in function I was looking for thanks. Maybe you could put the comment as an answer. $\endgroup$
    – faysou
    Commented Nov 20, 2012 at 9:51

4 Answers 4


At Faysal's behest: there's the (undocumented) function System`Dump`validStringExpressionQ[]:


System`Dump`validStringExpressionQ[_ ~~ 1]
  • $\begingroup$ A look at ??System`Dump`validStringExpressionQ is particularly enlightening... $\endgroup$ Commented Nov 20, 2012 at 10:01
  • $\begingroup$ Indeed so basically the pattern is passed to StringMatchQ in the general case and the function checks that no error occured. $\endgroup$
    – faysou
    Commented Nov 20, 2012 at 10:31
  • 5
    $\begingroup$ +1. A look at the implementation reveals some unpleasant behavior,e.g. stpatt = "**"; System`Dump`validStringExpressionQ[stpatt] returns False, while System`Dump`validStringExpressionQ[Evaluate[stpatt]] returns True. I would prefer to get True in both cases. $\endgroup$ Commented Nov 20, 2012 at 10:33
StringPatternQ[_String | _StringExpression | _RegularExpression] = True;
StringPatternQ[_] = False;

There is the internal GeneralUtilities`StringPatternQ:

? GeneralUtilities`StringPatternQ

StringPatternQ[expr] gives True if expr is a valid string pattern, suitable for use with e.g. StringMatchQ

It is a predicate that allows for the most inclusive match, thus it returns True for any pattern that could stand for a string pattern.

 GeneralUtilities`StringPatternQ[_]   (* ==> True *)

However, it is less precise as System`Dump`validStringExpressionQ:

patt = {"s", "*", "**", __, Except@_, x, _ ~~ 1};
GeneralUtilities`StringPatternQ /@ patt
System`Dump`validStringExpressionQ /@ patt
Quiet@Check[StringMatchQ["s", #], $Failed] & /@ patt
{True, True, True, True, True, False, False}
{True, True, True, True, False, False, False}
{True, True, True, True, $Failed, $Failed, $Failed}

Leonid's example:

stpatt = "**";
System`Dump`validStringExpressionQ[stpatt]           (* ==> False *)
System`Dump`validStringExpressionQ[Evaluate[stpatt]] (* ==> True *)
GeneralUtilities`StringPatternQ[stpatt]              (* ==> True *)
GeneralUtilities`StringPatternQ[Evaluate[stpatt]]    (* ==> True *)

According to its PrintDefinitions, it recognizes the following arguments as string patterns:

spq[e_Alternatives] := AllTrue[e, spq];
spq[e_List] := AllTrue[e, spq];
spq[_String] := True;
spq[DatePattern[e_List]] := Developer`StringVectorQ[e];
spq[DatePattern[e_List, sep_]] := Developer`StringVectorQ[e] && spq[sep];
spq[Verbatim[Longest][e_]] := spq[e];
spq[Verbatim[Shortest][e_]] := spq[e];
spq[Verbatim[Repeated][e_, ___]] := spq[e];
spq[Verbatim[RepeatedNull][e_]] := spq[e];
spq[Verbatim[Except][e_]] := spq[e];
spq[Verbatim[Except][e_, f_]] := spq[e] && spq[f];
spq[Verbatim[Pattern][_, patt_]] := spq[patt];
spq[Verbatim[Verbatim][_String]] := True;
spq[Verbatim[Condition][patt_, _]] := spq[patt];
spq[Verbatim[PatternTest][patt_, _]] := spq[patt];
spq[e_AnyOrder] := AllTrue[e, spq];
spq[e_FixedOrder] := AllTrue[e, spq];
spq[expr_] := MatchQ[expr, $AtomicPatterns];
  • $\begingroup$ The $AtomicPatterns is GeneralUtilities`Strings`PackagePrivate`$AtomicPatterns. $\endgroup$
    – Karsten7
    Commented Nov 28, 2015 at 10:45


This function calls StringMatchQ. Only if StringMatchQ works normally, it returns True.

Its definition is quite simple:

System`Dump`validStringExpressionQ[a_HoldPattern] :=
  Quiet@Head@StringMatchQ["", StringExpression@a] =!= StringMatchQ


This one has a quite complex implementation, and is possibly the function called by StringMatchQ.


GeneralUtilities` is a convenient package. The function here has a complex implementation (more complex than the next one), but is not quite reliable.

Unexpected behavior can be produced by:

  • StringPatternQ@String[]
  • StringPatternQ@Except@""
  • StringPatternQ@Condition[anything, anything]
  • StringPatternQ@PatternTest[anything, anything]

System`ConvertersDump`StringPatternQ and FileFormatDump`StringPatternQ

Currently, these two functions have the same implementation (which is quite simple and less reliable):

System`ConvertersDump`StringPatternQ[x_] := MatchQ[x,
  Alternatives[_String, _StringExpression, _RegularExpression, _Alternatives]

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