
I have the following code for simplifying an inequality:

glbcond =
  {0 < d1 < 1, d1 ∈ Reals, 0 < d2 < 1, d2 ∈ Reals, 
   0 < d3 < 1, d3 ∈ Reals, 0 < e1 < 1, e1 ∈ Reals, 
   0 < e2 < 1, e2 ∈ Reals, 0 < e3 < 1, e3 ∈ Reals, 
   0 < Hd < 1, Hd ∈ Reals, 0 < Hu < 1, Hu ∈ Reals, 
   0 < L1 < 1, L1 ∈ Reals, 0 < L2 < 1, L2 ∈ Reals, 
   0 < L3 < 1, L3 ∈ Reals, 0 < Q1 < 1, Q1 ∈ Reals, 
   0 < Q2 < 1, Q2 ∈ Reals, 0 < Q3 < 1, Q3 ∈ Reals, 
   0 < u1 < 1, u1 ∈ Reals, 0 < u2 < 1, u2 ∈ Reals, 
   0 < u3 < 1, u3 ∈ Reals};

z2cond = 
  Hd < Hu < L1 < L2 < L3 < Q1 < Q2 < Q3 < u1 < u2 < u3 < d1 < d2 < d3;

Simplify[Abs @ (Q1 u1)/(d2 Q3) < 1, (And @@ glbcond) && z2cond]

Q1 u1 < d2 Q3

However, if I turn up the SystemOptions as suggested by this related post here as

  "SimplificationOptions" -> "AssumptionsMaxNonlinearVariables" -> 14]

I get

Simplify[Abs[(Q1 u1)/(d2 Q3)] < 1, glbcond && z2cond]


So my question is, how exactly are the numbers of non-linear variables calculated? As far as I can see from my example, all the inequalities inside the argument for assumption are linear. Or does the calculation of number of non-linear variables involve both of the two arguments sitting inside Simplify?

This my first post on Mathematica.SE. I hope my post meets the site's posting conventions :)

  • $\begingroup$ The way I see it is that your rational/polynomial inequality is nonlinear and the 4 variables in it are related to each of the variables in z2cond. Thus {Abs[(Q1 u1)/(d2 Q3)] < 1, z2cond} form a nonlinear system, which has 14 variables. (The whole with glbcond has 17 variables, but the e1, e2, e3 components can be factored out as a direct product and treated as linear....But I don't know for sure that's how Mathematica approaches it.) $\endgroup$
    – Michael E2
    Commented Jun 9, 2017 at 18:31
  • $\begingroup$ Hi! I was wondering the same thing, but my question comes from these lines of codes In[43]:= SetSystemOptions["SimplificationOptions"->"AssumptionsMaxNonlinearVariables"->9]; ClearSystemCache[]; Simplify[Abs@((Hd Hu)/Q1)<1,glbcond&&z2cond] Out[45]= True, which now only requires "AssumptionsMaxNonlinearVariables"->9 $\endgroup$
    – Y.X.
    Commented Jun 10, 2017 at 6:28

1 Answer 1


To simplify an inequality ineq to True using assumptions assum Simplify needs to prove that assum && Not[ineq] has no solutions. Hence non-linearity of both assum and ineq matter and all variables in assum and ineq are counted.

  • $\begingroup$ Hi Adam, thank you for the answer! I see that both arguments of Simplify are counted for their non-linear variables. But in this particular case, why does it require 14 non-linear variables, since the rational function of ineq can always be converted a polynomial inequality, with all inequalities inside assum being linear? It would be helpful if some details can be given on this as I have quite a lot of similar inequalities that need similar simplification. :) $\endgroup$
    – Y.X.
    Commented Jun 9, 2017 at 17:46
  • $\begingroup$ Simplify counts variables in the system for which it needs to decide the existence of solutions, that is assum && Not[ineq]. If the system is nonlinear (in any of the variables) then the number of all variables cannot exceed the value of "AssumptionsMaxNonlinearVariables". $\endgroup$ Commented Jun 10, 2017 at 1:26
  • $\begingroup$ So the non-linearity is introduced by the rational function (Q1 u1)/(d2 Q3) through substituting this into the inequalities in 14 variable expression of z2cond, as suggested by @Michael E2 in previous comments? If so, why is this particular codes requiring "AssumptionsMaxNonlinearVariables"->9:In[43]:= SetSystemOptions["SimplificationOptions"->"AssumptionsMaxNonlinearVariables"->9]; ClearSystemCache[]; Simplify[Abs@((Hd Hu)/Q1)<1,glbcond&&z2cond] Out[45]= True $\endgroup$
    – Y.X.
    Commented Jun 10, 2017 at 6:24
  • $\begingroup$ Simplify splits z2cond into two-argument inequalities and it has a heuristic that attempts to select a subset of assumptions sufficient for the given simplification. In this case it must be finding a subset of assumptions that involves 9 variables and is sufficient to prove that ineq is true. $\endgroup$ Commented Jun 11, 2017 at 1:47

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