Can folks show me several methods I can use to draw the following fractal H-Tree?
I did use Free-Form input, as:
= h-fractal
And got this image, which is three iterations, but no idea how it was formed.
Iterative version
Each horisontal line generates two vertical lines of the same length, while each vertical line generates two horisontal lines, which are twice shorter:
SetAttributes[f, Listable];
Graphics[NestList[f, Line[{{-1,0},{1,0}}], 10], AspectRatio->1]
Simple version
Draw an H-shaped figure in every point of a rectangular grid. Repeat with finer grid spacing.
drawAllH[size_]:= Map[drawH[size],
CoordinateBoundsArray[{{-2,2},{-2,2}}, 4 size, Center], {2}];
Graphics[Map[drawAllH, 1/2^(Range[4]-1)]]
SetDelayed::write: Tag Plus in (5-3 x-2 x^2+x^3)[Line[{a_,b_}]] is Protected.
. I am using Mathematica 11.1.1.
somewhere earlier. Try ClearAll[f]
May 25, 2017 at 19:24
Here's a simple-minded implementation based on repeated scaling:
With[{n = 6, s = 1./3},
Graphics[Flatten[NestList[# /. Line[{p1_, p2_}] :>
Outer[Plus, {p1, p2},
Outer[Times, {-1, 1}, s Cross[p2 - p1]], 1]] &,
Line[{{-0.5, 0.}, {0.5, 0.}}], 2 n - 1]]]]
define a function drawH
drawH[{x_, y_}, size_] :=
Line[{{{x + size, y}, {x - size, y}}, {{x + size,
y + size}, {x + size, y - size}}, {{x - size,
y + size}, {x - size, y - size}}}]
Then use NestList
to iteration
size = 1;
Graphics[NestList[(size = size*.5;Level[#[[All, 1, 2 ;;]], {-2},
drawH[#, size] & /@ {##} &]) &, {drawH[{0, 0}, 1]}, 3]]
Faster version
n = 3;
s = 1;
{a, b, c, d} = {{-1, -s}, {-1, s}, {1, -s}, {1, s}};
m = {{{1, 0}, {0, 1}}/2, #} & /@ {a, b, c, d};
L = Line[{{a, b}, {{-1, 0}, {1, 0}}, {c, d}}];
Graphics[NestList[GeometricTransformation[#, m] &, L, n]]
. $\endgroup$