My question is related to this one, but I am more explicit with the form of the operator in the exponential and the function $f$.
Let us have the expression:
$$ e^{\mathrm{i} \left( f(x)(\hat{q} \hat{p} +\hat{p} \hat{q}) + g(x) \hat{p}^2\right)} \sum_{n=0}^\infty \frac{a^n}{\sqrt{n!}} h_n(x) $$
where $f,g,h_n$ are some real functions, $a$ is a real constant and $\hat{q},\hat{p}$ are quantum mechanical operators of position and momentum, i.e. $\hat{q}=q$ and $\hat{p}=-i\mathrm{d}/\mathrm{d}x$ in the coordinate representation.
How to handle this efficiently? I've tried to use the above post to tackle this problem, with not much success though. Later, I can try to update this post to include what I've done so far.