In an example from another question, the rhs of a list of rules can be simply extracted:
In[1]:= rules1 = Solve[x + y == 3 && x - y == 6, {x, y}][[1]]
9 3
Out[1]= {x -> -, y -> -(-)}
2 2
In[2]:= rules1 /. Rule -> (#2 & )
9 3
Out[2]= {-, -(-)}
2 2
However, when I try the same replacement with a list of rules where the RHS is a pure function, it does not result in a list of the RHS.
In[3]:= rules2 = {MySum -> Total[#1] & , MyProd -> Times[#1] & }
Out[3]= {MySum -> Total[#1] & , MyProd -> Times[#1] & }
In[4]:= rules2 /. Rule -> (#2 & )
Out[4]= {(#2 & )[MySum, Total[#1]] & , (#2 & )[MyProd, Times[#1]] & }
How do I correct this?