I would like to use PredictorMeasurements
on the result of NetTrain
, but it says it expects a PredictorFunction
object. So apparently, the output of NetTrain
is not a PredictorFunction
Am I right? If so, can this be done?
In Mathematica 11.1 you can convert your network only into a ClassifierFunction
. I expect that converting into a PredictorFunction
will be added in the next releases.
net = NetChain[ {100, 2, SoftmaxLayer[]}, "Input" -> 100, "Output" -> NetDecoder[{"Class", {0, 1}}] ] SeedRandom[0]; X = RandomReal[{-1, 1}, {1000, 100}]; Y = RandomInteger[1, 1000]; net = NetTrain[net, X -> Y, MaxTrainingRounds -> 1] c = Classify[net]
Yes, it's possible.
? Takes forever with a CPU...