
Essentially I have used the SemanticImport[] function on a csv file with headers for each column. Now I understand that each of these headers is referred to 'key' in mathematica. *

I have no problem doing Predict[]. But I understand that NetTrain requires a different input format I was looking under Association, but have not found clarity in doing this.

Thank you and appreciate your advice.

Following reply by aardvark2012:

I ran the following lines:

net = NetChain[{5, 1}, "Input" -> 8, "Output" -> "Scalar"];
trained = NetTrain[net, inputdata]

But an error is shown:

NetTrain::invdataset: Datasets provided to NetTrain must consist of a list of associations with fixed keys.

UPDATE: solved by xslittlegrass. Thank you


2 Answers 2


This seems to work. Set up some data:

assocdata = 
 Table[Association["Latitude" -> RandomInteger[{-90, 90}], 
   "Longitude" -> RandomInteger[{-180, 180}], 
   "Temperature" -> RandomReal[{-40, 49}]], 5]

{<|"Latitude" -> 64, "Longitude" -> 25, "Temperature" -> -24.8889|>, <|"Latitude" -> -49, "Longitude" -> -101, "Temperature" -> -28.0145|>, <|"Latitude" -> 9, "Longitude" -> -112, "Temperature" -> 22.6383|>, <|"Latitude" -> -65, "Longitude" -> 150,
"Temperature" -> 13.6052|>, <|"Latitude" -> 25, "Longitude" -> 110,
"Temperature" -> 29.0704|>}


listdata = {#[[1]], #[[2]]} -> #[[3]] & /@ assocdata


{{64, 25} -> -24.8889, {-49, -101} -> -28.0145, {9, -112} -> 22.6383, {-65, 150} -> 13.6052, {25, 110} -> 29.0704}

Is that what you meant?

  • $\begingroup$ yes, your answer gives me the correct format I am looking for, but somehow NetTrain doesn't like it. Could you have a look at my updated question and would appreciate your advice. Thank you $\endgroup$
    – Corse
    Commented Aug 3, 2017 at 3:26
  • $\begingroup$ @Corse Unfortunately I can't play around with it since I'm on 10.4 and NetTrain is 11+. The only guess I can make is that it wants an input of the form Association["Lattiude" -> assocdata[[;; , 1]], "Longitude" -> assocdata[[;; , 2]], "Temperature" -> assocdata[[;; , 3]]]' (where assocdata` has the same form as in my answer). Not convinced it'll work, though, since it's not a "list of associations with fixed keys". Not even sure what a fixed key is. Is it perhaps interpreting your latitude, etc as variable names? Sorry, but I'm just guessing now. $\endgroup$ Commented Aug 3, 2017 at 4:52
  • $\begingroup$ I would trawl through the documentation on all the different *Layers (Linear, Elementwise, etc), play around with them and see if you can figure out what they're doing. $\endgroup$ Commented Aug 3, 2017 at 4:53
  • $\begingroup$ @Corse No problem. Thanks for the accept. $\endgroup$ Commented Aug 3, 2017 at 7:04

I think aardvark2012's answer is correct, this is just a comment on your follow-up questions. Your follow-up questions can be addressed by providing NetTrain with the compatible training data formats.

You can either use a Dataset or a list as training data. If a Dataset is used, then the format should be like Dataset[{<|"Input" -> {64, 25}, "Output" -> -24.8889|>, <|"Input" -> {-49, -101}, "Output" -> -28.0145|>}]. For example

inputdata = 
   Association["Input" -> RandomReal[{0, 1}, {2}], 
    "Output" -> RandomReal[{0, 1}]], {10}]

enter image description here

then you can train the network like

net = NetChain[{5, 1}, "Input" -> 2, "Output" -> "Scalar"];
trained = NetTrain[net, inputdata]

If using a list, then the training data should be like {{64, 25} -> -24.8889, {-49, -101} -> -28.0145, {9, -112} -> 22.6383, {-65, 150} -> 13.6052, {25, 110} -> 29.0704}. For example

inputdata = 
 Table[RandomReal[{0, 1}, {2}] -> RandomReal[{0, 1}], {10}];

net = NetChain[{5, 1}, "Input" -> 2, "Output" -> "Scalar"];
trained = NetTrain[net, inputdata]

You can also specify the input and output ports with NetGraph, which then allow you to train on a Dataset with named keys directly. For example

inputdata = Dataset[Association[Thread[header -> #]] & /@ data]

enter image description here

net = NetGraph[{ReshapeLayer[{1}], ReshapeLayer[{1}], CatenateLayer[],
    LinearLayer[5], LinearLayer[1]}, {NetPort["lat"] -> 1 -> 3, 
   NetPort["lon"] -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5 -> NetPort["temperature"]}]

enter image description here

NetTrain[net, inputdata, Method -> {"ADAM", "LearningRate" -> 0.01}]

Hope it helps.

Here is an example of how to read in and train on a csv dataset

path = 
  Table[{RandomReal[{-90, 90}], RandomReal[{-180, 180}], 
    RandomReal[{-50, 50}]}, {100}]]
(* "~/Downloads/test.csv" *)

inputdata = #[[1 ;; 2]] -> #[[3]] & /@ Import[path, "Data"];

net = NetChain[{5, 1}, "Input" -> 2, "Output" -> "Scalar"];
trained = 
 NetTrain[net, inputdata, Method -> {"ADAM", "LearningRate" -> 0.01}]

another example using dataset

path = 
      ToString[NumberForm[#, {3, 4}]] & /@ {RandomReal[{-90, 90}], 
        RandomReal[{-180, 180}], RandomReal[{-50, 50}]}, 
      "\t"], {100}], 
    StringRiffle[{"lat", "lon", "temperature"}, "\t"]], "\n"]]
(* "~/Downloads/test.txt" *)

tmp = Import[path, "Table"];

inputdata = 
  Association["Input" -> #[[1 ;; 2]], "Output" -> #[[3]]] & /@ 

net = NetChain[{5, 1}, "Input" -> 2, "Output" -> "Scalar"];
trained = 
 NetTrain[net, inputdata, Method -> {"ADAM", "LearningRate" -> 0.01}]
  • $\begingroup$ thank you for the clarification. I refer to this: Association["Input" -> RandomReal[{0, 1}, {2}], "Output" -> RandomReal[{0, 1}]], {10}]. How could I replace the RandomReal part using the Keys in my dataset? say I have header as "lat", "lon" and "temperature" from the CSV file. $\endgroup$
    – Corse
    Commented Aug 3, 2017 at 14:55
  • $\begingroup$ @Corse See the updates. $\endgroup$ Commented Aug 3, 2017 at 16:16
  • $\begingroup$ this works well and that was very enlightening and helpful for my understanding on the input formats of NetTrain/NetGraph. Thank you very much! $\endgroup$
    – Corse
    Commented Aug 4, 2017 at 2:10
  • $\begingroup$ a minor question to seek your advice: for the purposes of regression/prediction, is it normally recommended to put a BatchNormalizationLayer[] as the first hidden layer? Does it have the effect of scaling the values of each variable and is it at all necessary in Mathematica? $\endgroup$
    – Corse
    Commented Aug 4, 2017 at 2:33
  • $\begingroup$ one more query if you don't mind, if i have an additional column (input variable) that is of a class vector, how could I modify the part: inputdata = #[[1 ;; 2]] -> #[[3]] & /@ Import[path, "Data"]; to utilize the NetEncoder function for 'UnitVector'? $\endgroup$
    – Corse
    Commented Aug 4, 2017 at 3:46

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