I am trying to include a jump condition inside my differential equation, but I'm not exactly sure how to input the boundary conditions. My DE is the following
$\partial_r(f \partial_r \Phi(r))-\frac{l(l+1)}{r^2}\Phi(r)=0$
Which I want to satisfy the condition:
($\Theta(r)$ being the heaviside or step function)
and jump conditions:
$\Phi_>(r_0)-\Phi_<(r_0)=4\pi q\sqrt{\frac{2l+1}{4\pi}}$
where $r_0$ is an arbitrary point, and $f=1-\frac{R}{r}$ with R being a separate arbitrary point less than $r_0$. $\Phi_<$ refers to the value of the function when $r$ is less than $r_0$. $\Phi_>$ refers to the value of the function when r is greater than $r_0$. All other values should be included. q in this case is just the charge of a particle, l is an integer. The other boundary conditions are such that I can't have the solution blowing up at $r_0$, which I can deal with after I have a solution. I also don't want the solution to blow up at infinity, but that is also something that can be dealt with after the solution.
To be clear, I am working to solve for $\Phi(r)$ in terms of $r$, and want to know how to implement the boundary conditions described by the jump conditions.
f[r_] = 1 - R/r;
DSolve[D[f[r] D[Φ[r], r], r] - ((l (l + 1))/r^2) Φ[r] == 0, Φ[r], r]
The code works fine as is, and gives a hypergeometric function which is expected, but the function isn't of the right form since I haven't included any boundary conditions, which I have no idea how to implement.
etc. $\endgroup$l
an integer? $\endgroup$