I am trying to use the InterpolatingPolynomial function in Mathematica to find a polynomial in 2 variables which fits some given data. However, Mathematica often fails to find a polynomial fitting my data even in cases where I already know of a polynomial which fits. For example, I run the following code:
InterpolatingPolynomial[{{{4, 4}, 52}, {{4, 6}, 120}, {{4, 8}, 212}, {{6, 4}, 120}, {{6, 6}, 256}, {{6, 8}, 432}, {{8, 4}, 212}, {{8, 6}, 432}, {{8, 8}, 708}}, {w, z}]
I receive the error message:
InterpolatingPolynomial::poised: The interpolation points {{4,4},{4,6},{4,8},{6,4},{6,6},{6,8},{8,4},{8,6},{8,8}} are not poised, so an interpolating polynomial of total degree 3 could not be found.
However, the above data comes from the polynomial p(w,z) = w z^2 + w^2 z - z^2 - w^2 - 3 w z + 4.
I am not very familiar with the techniques used to find an interpolating polynomial. Is there an explanation for this?