I created a simple numeric-symbolic integration. Here you can use symbolical and numerical techniques at the same time. You can also interpolate numerical integrals.
The problem with my function is the use of TimeConstrained
for testing if the integral can be done fully symbolically. This wastes time; without it the result is much much faster.
How can it be optimized? Maybe there is some other implementation like this I haven't found?
Note: It can easily be extended to Sum
-s, just exchange Integrate
for Sum
Options@NSIntegrate = {
InterpolationVariable -> {}
(* Linearity *)
NSIntegrate[f_ + g__, s_, options___] := NSIntegrate[f, s, options] + NSIntegrate[+g, s, options]
NSIntegrate[α_*f_, {x_, limits__}, options___] /; FreeQ[α, x] := α*NSIntegrate[f, {x, limits}, options]
(* Constant Function *)
NSIntegrate[α_, {x_, limits__}, options___] /; FreeQ[α, x] \[And] α =!= 1 := α*NSIntegrate[1, {x, limits}, options]
(* Exponentials *)
NSIntegrate[α_^(f_+g__), {x_, limits__}, options___] /; FreeQ[f, x] := α^f*NSIntegrate[α^g, {x, limits}, options]
NSIntegrate[α_^(f_+g__)*h_, {x_, limits__}, options___] /; FreeQ[f, x] := α^f*NSIntegrate[α^g*h, {x, limits}, options]
(* Some Basic Integrals - Polynomials *)
NSIntegrate[1, {x_, a_, b_}, ___] := b - a
NSIntegrate[x_, {x_, a_, b_}, ___] := (b^2 - a^2)/2
NSIntegrate[x_^-1, {x_, a_, b_}, ___] /; If[NumericQ@a \[And] NumericQ@b, Sign@a === Sign@b, True] \[And] a =!= b := Log[b/a]
NSIntegrate[x_^n_, {x_, a_, b_}, ___] /; n =!= -1 := (b^(n+1) - a^(n+1))/(n + 1)
(* Some Basic Integrals - Exponentials *)
NSIntegrate[α_^(A_*x_), {x_, a_, b_}, ___] /; α =!= 0 \[And] α =!= 1 := (α^(A*b) - α^(A*a))/(A*Log@α)
NSIntegrate[α_^x_, {x_, a_, b_}, ___] /; α =!= 0 \[And] α =!= 1 := (α^b - α^a)/Log@α
NSIntegrate[0^x_, s__, ___] := 0
(* Scaling and offset *)
NSIntegrate[f_[α_*x_ + β_, args___], {x_, a_, b_}, options___] /; (And @@ (FreeQ[#, x] & /@ Flatten@{args, α, β})) :=
NSIntegrate[f[x, args]/α, {x, a*α + β, b*α + β}, options]
NSIntegrate[f_[α_*x_, args___], {x_, a_, b_}, options___] /; (And @@ (FreeQ[#, x] & /@ Flatten@{args, α})) :=
NSIntegrate[f[x, args]/α, {x, a*α, b*α}, options]
NSIntegrate[f_[x_ + β_, args___], {x_, a_, b_}, options___] /; (And @@ (FreeQ[#, x] & /@ Flatten@{args, β})) :=
NSIntegrate[f[x, args], {x, a + β, b + β}, options]
(* Interpolation *)
NSIntegrate[f_, {x_, a_, b_}, options1___, InterpolationVariable -> varRange_List, options2___] /; Length@varRange != 0 := Module[{
vars, range = varRange, table
If[Depth@varRange == 2, vars = varRange[[{1}]]; range = List@range, vars = varRange[[All, 1]]];
table = Table[{vars, NSIntegrate[f, {x, a, b}, options1, options2]}, ##1] & @@ range;
InterpolatingPolynomial[table, vars] /. s_Real :> Chop[s, 10^-6] // Expand
(* If not in database, use NIntegrate *)
NSIntegrate[f_, s:{x_, a_, b_}, opts___] /; ExpandAll@f =!= f := NSIntegrate[ExpandAll@f, s, opts]
NSIntegrate[f_, s:{x_, a_?NumericQ, b_?NumericQ}, opts___] := NIntegrate[f, s, opts]
NSIntegrate[Cos[a*x], {x, 0, 1}, InterpolationVariable -> {a, 1, 5, 1/2}]
work just like in a Table
. In case or more than 1 interpolation use in the form {{a, 1, 5}, {b, 1, 10, 0.3}}
** Added (* Scaling and offset *)
for testing if the integral can be done fully symbolically." - unless you want to go through all the trouble of reimplementing the Risch algorithm, I'm not sure you can do better... $\endgroup$NSIntegrate
multidimensional, but this seams a litte bit hard $\endgroup$