I am interested in examining the Fourier coefficients of functions of a couple of weight $2$ modular forms which are essentially logarithmic derivatives of Klein's modular function
$$j(\tau) = q^{-1} + 744 + 196884q + 21493760q^2 + \cdots, \qquad q := e^{2\pi i\tau}.$$
The two functions I want to see the $q$ expansions of are
$$f(\tau) = \frac{j'(\tau)}{j(\tau)}$$
$$g(\tau) = \frac{j'(\tau)}{j(\tau) - 1728}.$$
Does anyone know how to do this in Mathematica 11? I know there is the built in function KleinInvariantJ
but that seems to be useful for evaluating the function, not giving the $q$ expansion. Thanks.
2 Answers
The relationship between KleinInvariantJ[τ]
and the Alwaise's (OP) definition is:
alwaiseJ[q_] = 1728*KleinInvariantJ[-((2 I π)/Log[q])]
To check this, apply Series
to recover the OP's expansion (apparently, there is a bug causing not enough terms to be displayed):
Series[alwaiseJ[q], {q, 0, 4}] // Expand
(* 744 + 1/q + 196884 q + 21493760 q^2 *)
To obtain series expansions for the combinations requested by the OP, the ideal method is simply to form the combination and apply Series
. But after a minute of computing time it yields an overly complicated (propbably wrong) result:
Series[D[alwaiseJ[q], q]/alwaiseJ[q], {q, 0, 3}]
(*Probably wrong result?*)
A workaround is to apply Series
on each alwaiseJ
, apply the necessary derivative, and then apply Series
on the final result:
Series[D[Series[alwaiseJ[q], {q, 0, 10}], q] / Series[alwaiseJ[q], {q, 0, 10}], {q, 0, 3}]
(* -(1/q) + 744 - 159768 q + 36866976 q^2 - 8507424792 q^3 + O[q]^4 *)
Same thing for OP's second example:
Series[D[Series[alwaiseJ[q], {q, 0, 10}], q] / (Series[alwaiseJ[q], {q, 0, 10}] - 1728), {q, 0, 3}]
(* -(1/q) - 984 - 574488 q - 307081056 q^2 - 164453203992 q^3 + O[q]^4 *)
$\begingroup$ Thanks! Just one question. How do I get mathematica to actually multiply the coefficients of $J$ by $1728$? When I type in the code you have here and apply Series to alwaiseJ, Mathematica displays $$1728\left(\frac{31}{72} + \frac{1}{1728q} + \frac{1823q}{16} + \frac{335840q^2}{27}\right).$$ How can I make it actually distribute the $1728$? Thanks. $\endgroup$ Commented Jan 16, 2017 at 0:17
$\begingroup$ @EthanAlwaise
should do the trick. $\endgroup$ Commented Jan 16, 2017 at 0:24
Some trickery is necessary here. In particular, we will need to use the expression of the $j$-invariant in terms of theta functions:
jf = With[{a = EllipticTheta[2, 0, Sqrt[#]]^8, b = EllipticTheta[3, 0, Sqrt[#]]^8,
c = EllipticTheta[4, 0, Sqrt[#]]^8}, 32 (a + b + c)^3/(a b c)] &;
and expand as a series in the nome:
ser = Series[jf[q], {q, 0, 6}]
1/q + 744 + 196884 q + 21493760 q^2 + 864299970 q^3 + 20245856256 q^4 +
333202640600 q^5 + 4252023300096 q^6 + O[q]^(49/8)
before using the chain rule judiciously.
2 π I q D[Log[ser], q]
-2 I π + 1488 I π q - 319536 I π q^2 + 73733952 I π q^3 - 17014849584 I π q^4 +
3926422987488 I π q^5 - 906079372542144 I π q^6 + 209091033317387904 I π q^7 + O[q]^50
2 π I q D[ser, q]/(ser - 1728)
-2 I π - 1968 I π q - 1148976 I π q^2 - 614162112 I π q^3 - 328906407984 I π q^4 -
176125996903968 I π q^5 - 94314016488431808 I π q^6 - 50504368485468650880 I π q^7 -
27044667899456355041328 I π q^8 - 14482193986413608035836912 I π q^9 -
7755094033419666997380722976 I π q^10 - 4152788142706024277284841200704 I π q^11 -
2223783397581264170979224652742848 I π q^12 -
1190817453099277203894595701810883488 I π q^13 + O[q]^(105/8)
Series[1728*KleinInvariantJ[τ], {τ, 0, 4}]
seems to give your first series. Then isn't it a matter of applyingSeries
on the combinations? $\endgroup$q
needs to be changed toq == Exp[-2 Pi I / τ]
$\endgroup$Series[1728*KleinInvariantJ[τ], {τ, 0, 4}]
has theτ
in the denominator of the exponent ofE