Generating my first function
num = 1000;
Amp = 0.05;
time = 1.5;
width = 0.1;
T = 1.5;
(*declaration of continous function*)
With[{w = width, T = time},
pulse[x_] :=
Cos[2*Pi*x/(w*T)]*(UnitStep[x + w*T/4] - UnitStep[x - w*T/4])]
(*funciton sampling*)
funX = Table[i, {i, -T/2, T/2, T/(num - 1)}];
fun1 = pulse /@ funX + Amp*RandomReal[{-0.5, 0.5}, num];
ListPlot[Transpose[{funX, fun1}], PlotRange -> All, Filling -> Axis,
Frame -> True, FrameLabel -> {"Time [s]", "Amplitude [V]", "Pulse"},
PlotLegends -> {"Pulse"}, ImageSize -> Large]
and the second one
With[{\[Delta] = 0.1},
ImpulseResponse[t_] := (1/(2.0*Pi*10.0*Sqrt[1 - \[Delta]*\[Delta]]))*
Sin[2.0*Pi*10.0*Sqrt[1 - \[Delta]*\[Delta]]*t]*HeavisideTheta[t]]
funTF = ImpulseResponse /@ funX;
ListPlot[Transpose[{funX, funTF}], Frame -> True, PlotRange -> All,
ImageSize -> Large]
Now the plan was to follow this discussion using
konv = ListConvolve[Transpose[{funX, funTF}], Transpose[{funX, fun1}]]
but for some reason this doesn't work. The ListConvolve[]
only returns one value instead of list. Any ideas why?