
The variable t needs to reset to 0 if any of the other variables tab1, tab2, or x are changed. I did this by using TrackingFunction on each Control. What I would like to know is if there is a better, more efficient way of doing this without having to repeat TrackingFunction for each Control.

 {{tab1, 1, ""}, {1, 2, 3}, TrackingFunction -> (tab1 = #; t = 0; &)},
 {{tab2, 1, ""}, {"A", "B"}, RadioButton, TrackingFunction -> (tab2 = #; t = 0; &)},
 {{x, 0}, 0, 10, 1, TrackingFunction -> (x = #; t = 0; &)},
 {{t, 0, "play"}, 0, 5, 1, Trigger}

Based on the answer to this post.


1 Answer 1


In your current code the resetting of t is driven by the Control object events.
The same Manipulate behavior can be achieved by using a table-driven state model instead of such an event driven model:

 If[{tab1, tab2, x} === {tab1O, tab2O, xO}, t, {tab1O, tab2O, xO} = {tab1, tab2, x}; t = 0],
 {{tab1, 1, ""}, {1, 2, 3}},
 {{tab2, 1, ""}, {"A", "B"}, RadioButton},
 {{x, 0}, 0, 10, 1},
 {{t, 0, "play"}, 0, 5, 1, Trigger},
 {tab1O, None}, {tab2O, None}, {xO, None}]


 If[{tab1, tab2, x} === last, t, last = {tab1, tab2, x}; t = 0],
 {{tab1, 1, ""}, {1, 2, 3}},
 {{tab2, 1, ""}, {"A", "B"}, RadioButton},
 {{x, 0}, 0, 10, 1},
 {{t, 0, "play"}, 0, 5, 1, Trigger},
 {last, None}]

This is a different approach to the same problem. I leave it up to you, to judge if it is "a better, more efficient way". Instead of repeating TrackingFunction you have to introduce at least one additional variable.


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