I was looking at how to reproduce the interactivity in this visualization (the layout can be done like this). Hovering a node with the mouse highlights all edges that are connected to it. How can we reproduce this type of interactivity in Mathematica and still preserve good performance?
If there is a single notebook element which needs to react to interaction, there are usually direct ways to do that, without the need for intermediate variables. For example:
Graphics[{Dynamic@Style[Disk[], If[CurrentValue["MouseOver"], Red, Black]]}]
But in the example linked above, edges must highlight in response to hovering vertices and there's a many-to-many relationship between these two types of objects. Each edge must respond to hovering two different vertices. Hovering a vertex must highlight multiple different edges. How can we access the state of one type of object (vertex) while computing the dynamic style of an edge?
I tried two approaches:
The first one uses a boolean vector in a
to store the hover state of vertices. This is then read by the styling of edges. This approach is not fast enough.The second one uses
. This is considerably slower than the first one.
Can we make it faster?
Let's make a graph:
n = 80; (* number of vertices *)
names = Range[n]; (* vertex names, in this case they are simply the vertex indices *)
pts = AssociationThread[names -> N@CirclePoints[n]]; (* vertex coordinates *)
edges = RandomSample[Subsets[names, {2}], 250]; (* graph edges *)
With boolean vector in DynamicModule:
DynamicModule[{state = ConstantArray[False, n]},
With[{pt1 = pts[#1], pt2 = pts[#2]},
{Dynamic@If[state[[#1]] || state[[#2]], Red, Black], Line[{pt1, pt2}]}
]& @@@ edges,
With[{pt = pts[#]},
{Dynamic@If[state[[#]], Red, Black],
{"MouseEntered" :> (state[[#]] = True),
"MouseExited" :> (state[[#]] = False)}
]& /@ names
ImageSize -> Large]]
With MouseAnnotation
. Warning: this may temporarily freeze the front end!
With[{pt1 = pts[#1], pt2 = pts[#2]},
{Dynamic@If[MouseAnnotation[] === #1 || MouseAnnotation[] === #2, Red, Black],
Line[{pt1, pt2}]}
]& @@@ edges,
With[{pt = pts[#]},
Dynamic@Style[Point[pt], If[CurrentValue["MouseOver"], Red, Black]],
]& /@ names
ImageSize -> Large
The graph size in this example is not excessive. It is about the same as the vertex and edge counts of ExampleData[{"NetworkGraph", "LesMiserables"}]
(77, 254), which I used while working on the layout part.
when events handling matters: Passing mouse related events broken by Deploy $\endgroup$