I'm trying to prove an inequality using Mathematica. This is the code leading to the inequality:
T = {{0, pbl*pcharge, 0}, {1, 1 - pbl, psh}, {0, pbl*(1 - pcharge),
1 - psh}};
vecs = Eigenvectors[T];
val = Eigenvalues[T];
pfull = Simplify[(1/(1 + vecs[[1]][[1]] + vecs[[1]][[2]]))];
pdead = Simplify[vecs[[1]][[1]]*pfull];
pbl1 = (1 - phigh)*beta/(lowcons + (1 - pfull - pdead)*M);
psh1 = phigh*(highcons - beta)/(pfull*M);
sols = Simplify[Solve[pbl1 == pbl && psh1 == psh, {pbl, psh}]];
pshex2[highcons_, lowcons_, beta_, phigh_, pcharge_, M_] =
Simplify[sols[[All, 2, 2]]];
However, when I try to use Resolve[]
to see if the inequality is true, both the inequality and its negation are resolved as false:
Resolve[ForAll[{highcons, lowcons, beta, phigh, pcharge, M},
highcons > beta > lowcons > 0 && 0 < phigh < 1 && 0 < pcharge < 1 &&
M > 0, D[pshex2[highcons, lowcons, beta, phigh, pcharge, M], M] <=
0], Reals]
Out[1714]= False
Resolve[Exists[{highcons, lowcons, beta, phigh, pcharge, M},
highcons > beta > lowcons > 0 && 0 < phigh < 1 && 0 < pcharge < 1 &&
M > 0, D[pshex2[highcons, lowcons, beta, phigh, pcharge, M], M] >
0], Reals]
Out[1715]= False
Also, FindInstance[]
is not able to find an example for the second statement. Is there anything I am doing wrong? I'm very new to Mathematica.
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