I want to code several steps in a recursion equation (in my case, migration, followed by selection, followed by mating, etc in a population). I have seen this done using a lot of copying and pasting and Do
loops. I am hoping someone has a better suggestion that makes use of Mathematica's recursion equation construction and memoization.
In step 1 I was able to code a pair of coupled recursion equations.
Step 1: Frequency of genotype i in population 1 (x1
) and population 2 (x2
) at time t
depends on migration rate between the two populations and the frequency of genotype i
in each at time t - 1
parameters = {m->0.01}
x1[i_, t_] := x1[i, t] = (1 - m) x1[i, t - 1] + m x2[i, t - 1] /. parameters
x2[i_, t_] := x2[i, t] = (1 - m) x2[i, t - 1] + m x1[i, t - 1] /. parameters
x1[1,0] := 1
x2[1,0] := 0
ListPlot[Table[{{t, x1[1, t]}, {t, x2[1, t]}}, {t, 0, 1000}], PlotRange -> {0, 1}]
Now I want to add a step to my recursion equations so that selection also occurs in the same generation. Step 2 depends on x1[i, t]
and x2[i, t]
(as they are currently written) but I would not consider it time t + 1
Not a reproducible example below because I don't know how to code this part
Step 2: Selection in population 1
x1Selection[1,t] = ((1 + s1) x1[1,t])/(1 + s1 x1[1,t])
x2Selection[1,t] = x2[1,t]
Step 3: Not shown
Step 4: Not shown
So I want to go through these steps and get the frequency of genotype i
at time t
, after migration, selection, etc have happened. Then repeat step 1 using x1Final[1, t]
and x2Final[1, t]
in place of x1[1, t - 1]
and x2[1, t - 1]
, respectively.
Is there an elegant way to code a multistep recursion equation without copying and pasting the output of the previous step into the next step (because this gets considerably uglier in steps 3 and 4)? That is, without writing something like:
parameters = {m->0.01, s1->0.05}
x1[i_, t_] := x1[i, t] = ((1 + s1) ((1 - m) x1[i, t - 1] + m x2[i, t - 1]))/(1 + s1 ((1 - m) x1[i, t - 1] + m x2[i, t - 1])) /. parameters
x2[i_, t_] := x2[i, t] = (1 - m) x2[i, t - 1] + m x1[i, t - 1] /. parameters
x1[1,0] := 1
x2[1,0] := 0
ListPlot[Table[{{t, x1[1, t]}, {t, x2[1, t]}}, {t, 0, 1000}], PlotRange -> {0, 1}]
to combine the different steps for your Genetic Algorithm and then useNestList
to recursively simulate new generations. $\endgroup$x1Migration[i, t] = (1 - m) x1[i, t] + m x2[i, t]
and thenx1Selection[x1Migration[i,t]]:= ((1 + s1) x1Migration[i,t])/(1 + s1 x1Migration[i,t])
and thenComposition[x1, x1Selection, x1Migration][i,t]
? $\endgroup$