
Sometimes, mathematica likes to give me complex results when, e.g, integrating a real valued function. The result might be something like

Log[-t - I w] + Log[-t + I w]

where t and w are >0. The question is: How can I automatically convert this to

Log[t^2 + w^2]


The obvious command

FullSimplify[Log[-t - I w] + Log[-t + I w],  Assumptions -> {t > 0, w > 0}]

does not do anything.


1 Answer 1

expr = Log[-t - I w] + Log[-t + I w];

expr // ComplexExpand[#, TargetFunctions -> {Re, Im}] & // 
 Simplify[#, {w > 0, t > 0}] &

(*  Log[t^2 + w^2]  *)

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