I would like to integrate the following expression with N
being Integer
Integrate[(1 + Cos[f (1 + 2 n) \[Pi]])/(1 + Cos[f \[Pi]]), {f, 3, 10},
{Element[n, Integers]}]
Unfortunately the line above does not make sense in the interpreter.
I would like to integrate the following expression with N
being Integer
Integrate[(1 + Cos[f (1 + 2 n) \[Pi]])/(1 + Cos[f \[Pi]]), {f, 3, 10},
{Element[n, Integers]}]
Unfortunately the line above does not make sense in the interpreter.
Here is a simple answer
Define k[n] as a listable function :
SetAttributes[k, Listable]
k[n_] := \!\(
\*SubsuperscriptBox[\(\[Integral]\), \(3\), \(10\)]\(
\*FractionBox[\(1 + Cos[f\ \((1 + 2\ n\ )\)\ \[Pi]]\), \(1 +
Cos[f\ \[Pi]]\)] \[DifferentialD]f\)\)
then define a list compose of integer of the desired Length --- say 10
nn = Range[10]
ask for
On my computer it takes a little more than 25s.
on the result..
May 24, 2016 at 19:13