I'm running into some problems plotting 2D Ellipsoid
s with non-diagonal weight matrices -- they are not centered where they are supposed to be. I'm not sure exactly what the problem is, it only seems to happen when the numbers are $\gg1$. The ellipse can even change positions if you change the plot range. The same thing happens with both Epilog
and Show
I am using version Thanks for any help or workarounds. I am trying to plot ellipses corresponding to confidence regions on top of density plots, so the scales of the axes matter to me.
Plot[x, {x, -500, 500},
Epilog -> {Opacity[0], EdgeForm[Thick],
Ellipsoid[{0, 0},
RotationMatrix[#].{{40000, 0}, {0, 20000}}.RotationMatrix[-#]]},
AspectRatio -> 1, ImageSize -> 300
] & /@ {0, 10^-8, π/4}