
I'm doing some extended length calculations and was wondering how I could get AbsoluteTiming to display in hours, minutes, and seconds. I googled and found nothing, so I borrowed some code, edited it, and wrote:

SetAttributes[myAbsoluteTiming, HoldAll];
myAbsoluteTiming[calculation_] := 
 Module[{startTime, deltaTime, result}, startTime = SessionTime[];
  result = calculation;
  deltaTime = SessionTime[] - startTime;
  hms = {Floor[deltaTime/3600], 
    Floor[Mod[Floor[deltaTime], 3600]/60], 
    Mod[Mod[deltaTime, 3600], 60]};
  {hms, result}]

This appears to be about .0005 seconds slower than the AbsoluteTiming function.

Is that time difference accurate? Is there a better way of doing this? How would I improve upon my code?

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Could you add some detail about why you don't want to use AbsoluteTiming? It's not clear to me why you wouldn't just format the first output from that function. $\endgroup$
    – dionys
    Commented May 7, 2016 at 18:45
  • $\begingroup$ @dionys No reason, I just don't know how to format AbsoluteTiming. There wasn't anything on it in the wolphram help files, and I'm a beginner. $\endgroup$ Commented May 7, 2016 at 19:20
  • $\begingroup$ The deltaTimes = 3700; line looks like a leftover. $\endgroup$
    – Karsten7
    Commented May 7, 2016 at 21:06
  • $\begingroup$ @Karsten7. Ah, yes it is. I was setting deltaTime manually to test earlier. $\endgroup$ Commented May 7, 2016 at 21:07

5 Answers 5

SetAttributes[hmsAbsTiming, HoldAllComplete];
hmsAbsTiming[calculation_] := 
 MapAt[IntegerDigits[IntegerPart[#], MixedRadix[{24, 60, 60}]] &,
   ], 1]

If you prefer a Quantity object:

SetAttributes[hmsAbsTiming2, HoldAllComplete];
hmsAbsTiming2[calculation_] := 
 MapAt[UnitConvert[Quantity[#, "Seconds"], MixedUnit[{"Hours", "Minutes", "Seconds"}]] &,
   ], 1]

There is a TimeString function in the GeneralUtilities` context that is very convenient here.


SetAttributes[hmsAbsTiming3, HoldAllComplete];
hmsAbsTiming3[calculation_] := MapAt[TimeString[#] &, AbsoluteTiming[calculation], 1]


RepeatedTiming[hmsAbsTiming[Pause[0.001]], 30]
RepeatedTiming[hmsAbsTiming2[Pause[0.001]], 30]
RepeatedTiming[hmsAbsTiming3[Pause[0.001]], 30]


  • $\begingroup$ I'm getting: Quantity::unkunit: Unable to interpret unit specification MixedUnit[{Hours,Minutes,Seconds}] when I run the quantity one. $\endgroup$ Commented May 7, 2016 at 20:40
  • $\begingroup$ Here's an image: imgur.com/poRDnVM $\endgroup$ Commented May 7, 2016 at 20:46
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ You were right: $Version returns "10.3.1 for Linux ARM (32-bit) (January 11, 2016)" for the Pi and is up-to-date. $\endgroup$ Commented May 8, 2016 at 22:02
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ @Elem-Teach-w-Bach-n-Math-Ed Starting version 9.0, you can use the built-in MixedRadixQuantity. The part UnitConvert[...] & in Karsten code could be replaced by MixedRadixQuantity[{0, 0, #}, {"Hours", "Minutes", "Seconds"}] &. $\endgroup$
    – user31159
    Commented May 9, 2016 at 7:07
  • 2
    $\begingroup$ @Elem-Teach-w-Bach-n-Math-Ed Not documented, but this also works: UnitConvert[Quantity[#, "Seconds"], MixedRadix["Hours", "Minutes", "Seconds"]] &. $\endgroup$
    – user31159
    Commented May 9, 2016 at 7:15

Here's my take, borrowing some code from here and here:

ic = Function[x, With[{r = Round[x]}, r + Chop[x - r]], Listable];

SetAttributes[myTiming, HoldAllComplete];
myTiming[calculation_, tf : (Timing | AbsoluteTiming) : AbsoluteTiming] := 
         Module[{timing = tf[calculation]},
                Print[StringTemplate["`h` hr `m` min `s` s", 
                                     InsertionFunction -> (ToString[#, TraditionalForm] &)]
                      @ AssociationThread[{"h", "m", "s"}, 
                        ic[N[DMSList[SetPrecision[timing[[1]], ∞]/3600]]]]]; 
                If[Length[timing] == 2, timing[[2]], Sequence @@ Rest[timing]]]

Some examples:

myTiming example


Here is a simple and universal function which formats timings (for real-time monitoring of elapsed time one should replace Round with Floor):

formatTiming = 
  StringJoin[{If[# >= 100, ToString@#, IntegerString[#, 10, 2]] &@Floor[#/3600], ":", 
       IntegerString[Floor[Mod[#, 3600]/60], 10, 2], ":", 
       IntegerString[Mod[#, 60], 10, 2]} &@Round[#]] &;

Examples of use:

formatTiming[200*3600 + 60*2 + 2]


RepeatedTiming[formatTiming[AbsoluteTiming[Pause[.001]][[1]]], 30]
{0.0010, "00:00:00"}
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Another way: formatTiming = StringRiffle[Map[IntegerString[#1, 10, If[#1 > 99, Unevaluated[], 2]] &, DMSList[Round[#]/3600]], ":"] & $\endgroup$ Commented Jun 1, 2016 at 3:49

Using Mathematica's built-in unit conversion & getting rid of the annoying "0 years, 0 hours ...":


Out[1]={Quantity[5, "Months"], Quantity[18, "Days"],Quantity[41.8, "Seconds"]}

I like @Karsten's approach of making a pure function that can be applied directly to format results from AbsoluteTiming, but if you're new to Mathematica this might be easier to follow:

SetAttributes[myAbsoluteTiming, HoldAllComplete];
myAbsoluteTiming[calculation_] := 
 Module[{time, result, days, hours, minutes, seconds, format},
        {time, result} = AbsoluteTiming[calculation];
        With[{dy = 86400, hr = 3600, mn = 60},
             days = Floor[time/dy];
             time = Mod[time, dy];
             hours = Floor[time/hr];
             minutes = Floor[Mod[time, hr]/mn];
             seconds = Floor[time - hr*hours - mn*minutes]];
             format = IntegerString[#, 10, 2] &;
             If[days > 0,
                {StringJoin[Riffle[format /@ {hours, minutes, seconds}, {":"}], " +", IntegerString[days], " days"], result},
                {StringJoin[Riffle[format /@ {hours, minutes, seconds}, {":"}]], result}]]

(* {00:00:01, Null} *)
  • $\begingroup$ Thanks. Going to give this a try for comparison sake with the other answers to see which runs most efficiently. $\endgroup$ Commented May 7, 2016 at 21:13

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