I'm having difficulties in displaying a proper fraction in a label. Here's the 2D graphics which shows the problem :
LegendreP[5, Cos[theta]],
11/2 If[theta <= Pi, 1, -1]LegendreP[5, Cos[theta]]^2 Sin[theta]
{theta, 0, 2Pi},
PlotStyle -> {
Directive[Thickness[0.0025], Blue],
Directive[Thickness[0.0025], Red]
PlotLabel -> Row[{
Style[HoldForm[LegendreP[5, " cos \[Theta] "]], Blue, 16],
Style[11/2 HoldForm[LegendreP[5, " cos \[Theta] "]^2 "sin \[Theta]"], Red, 16]
The label contains the fraction 11/2 which is badly formatted. I would like to have the fraction displayed as a small fraction in front of P_5(cos(theta))^2 sin(theta), without the big parenthesis.
Is that possible?
I am looking for a solution that works in Mathematica 7.
in aStyle
. e.g.Style[Style[11/2, 10] HoldForm[ LegendreP[5, " cos \[Theta] "]^2 "sin \[Theta]"], Red, 16]