Good evening to everybody, my question is about computing the derivative of a Black and Scholes option and to draw it.
My code is
f\[ScriptCapitalD][μ_, σ_, t_] = LogNormalDistribution[μ t, σ Sqrt[t]];
PriceAtEpoch[S0_, μ_, σ_, t_] = S0 Mean[f\[ScriptCapitalD][μ, σ, t]]
PriceAtEpoch[Subscript[S, 0], μ, σ, t + 1] ==
PriceAtEpoch[Subscript[S, 0], μ, σ, t] Exp[r]
{sol} = Solve[ForAll[{t, Subscript[S, 0]}, %], μ, Reals]
BlackScholesOptionPrice =
Assuming[Subscript[S, 0] > 0 && r > 0 && σ > 0 && t > 0 && \[ScriptCapitalK] > 0,
Exp[-r t] Expectation[optVal[\[ScriptF] Subscript[S, 0],
\[ScriptCapitalK]], \[ScriptF] \[Distributed]
f\[ScriptCapitalD][μ /. sol, σ, t]] // FullSimplify]
So how to compute the derivative (for example with respect to the volatility) for the call option?
Thank you for your feedback. I have tried to copy what is written in the book but it didn't work (see below the code)
{In[2]:= f = 1/(s_t b (2 pi)^.5) Exp [ - ((Log (s_t) - a^2)/(2 b^2))]
In[9]:= ((0.7071067811865475` E^(-((-a^2 + Log s_t)/(
2 b^2))))/(b pi^0.5` s_t))
domain [f] = {s_t, 0, ∞} && {a ∈ Reals, b > 0}
Out[9]= (0.707107 E^(-((-a^2 + Log s_t)/(2 b^2))))/(b pi^0.5 s_t)
During evaluation of In[9]:= Rule::rhs: Pattern s_t appears on the right-hand side of rule domain[(0.707107 E^(-((-Power[<<2>>]+<<1>>)/(2 b^2))))/(b pi^0.5 s_t)]->{s_t,0,∞}&&{a∈Reals,b>0}. >>
Out[10]= {s_t, 0, ∞} && {a ∈ Reals, b > 0}
In[11]:= V_t = If[s_t > k, s_t - k, 0]
Out[11]= If[s_t > k, s_t - k, 0]
In[12]:= V = \[DoubleStruckE]^(-rT) Expect [V_t, f]
Out[12]= \[DoubleStruckE]^-rT Expect[V_t, (
0.707107 E^(-((-a^2 + Log s_t)/(2 b^2))))/(b pi^0.5 s_t)]
In[15]:= Value =
V /. {a → Log [p] + (r - (σ^2)/2) T,
b → σ (T)^.5}
During evaluation of In[15]:= ReplaceAll::reps: {a→T (r-σ^2/2)+Log[p],b→T^0.5 σ} is neither a list of replacement rules nor a valid dispatch table, and so cannot be used for replacing. >>
During evaluation of In[15]:= Set::wrsym: Symbol Value is Protected. >>
Out[15]= \[DoubleStruckE]^-rT Expect[V_t, (
0.707107 E^(-((-a^2 + Log s_t)/(2 b^2))))/(
b pi^0.5 s_t)] /. {a → T (r - σ^2/2) + Log[p],
b → T^0.5 σ}
In[16]:= Value /. {p → 104, k → 100,
r → .05, σ → .44,
T → 66/365}
During evaluation of In[16]:= ReplaceAll::reps: {p→104,k→100,r→0.05,σ→0.44,T→66/365} is neither a list of replacement rules nor a valid dispatch table, and so cannot be used for replacing. >>
Out[16]= Value /. {p → 104, k → 100,
r → 0.05, σ → 0.44,
T → 66/365}
My question is still the same: I want to plot the first derivative of a call/put option.
Once again as, because of my inexperience, I have troubles with the code.
I want to compute the derivative of a Black and Scholes option and to plot it. After some iteration here is the code:
In[10]:= s = LogNormalDistribution[μ, σ]
Out[10]= LogNormalDistribution[μ, σ]
In[11]:= f =
1/(s * b (2 pi)^(1/2)) Expectation[ - ((Log (s) - a^2)/(2 b^2))]
During evaluation of In[11]:= Expectation::argmu: Expectation called with 1 argument; 2 or more arguments are expected. >>
Out[11]= Expectation[-((-a^2 +
Log LogNormalDistribution[μ, σ])/(
2 b^2))]/(Sqrt[2] b Sqrt[pi] LogNormalDistribution[μ, σ])
In[12]:= ((0.7071067811865475` E^(-((-a^2 + Log s_t)/(
2 b^2))))/(b pi^0.5` s_t))
domain [f] = {s, 0, ∞} && {a ∈ Reals, b > 0}
Out[12]= (0.707107 E^(-((-a^2 + Log s_t)/(2 b^2))))/(b pi^0.5 s_t)
Out[13]= {LogNormalDistribution[μ, σ],
0, ∞} && {a ∈ Reals, b > 0}
In[14]:= V_t = If[s_t > k, s_t - k, 0]
Out[14]= If[s_t > k, s_t - k, 0]
In[15]:= V = \[DoubleStruckE]^(-rT) Expect [V, f]
During evaluation of In[15]:= $RecursionLimit::reclim2: Recursion depth of 1024 exceeded during evaluation of \[DoubleStruckE]^-rT. >>
Out[15]= Hold[V = \[DoubleStruckE]^-rT Expect[V, f]]
In[16]:= Value =
V /. {a → Log [p] + (r - (σ^2)/2) T,
b → σ (T)^.5}
During evaluation of In[16]:= $RecursionLimit::reclim2: Recursion depth of
1024 exceeded during evaluation of \[DoubleStruckE]^-rT. >>
Out[16]= Hold[
Value = V /. {a → Log[p] + (r - σ^2/2) T,
b → σ T^0.5}]
In[17]:= Value /. {p → 104, k → 100,
r → .05, σ → .44,
T → 66/365}
During evaluation of In[17]:= ReplaceAll::reps: {p→104,k→100,r→0.05,σ→0.44,T→66/365} is neither a list of replacement rules nor a valid dispatch table, and so cannot be used for replacing. >>
Out[17]= Value /. {p → 104, k → 100,
r → 0.05, σ → 0.44,
T → 66/365}
As you see it doesn't work. Is anybody able to tell me what I should do?
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) not RightArrow for rules. $\endgroup$Subscript
while defining symbols (variables).Subscript[x, 1]
is not a symbol, but a compound expression, you expect to do $x_1=2$ but you are actually doingSet[Subscript[x, 1], 2]
which is to assign a Downvalue toSubscript
and not an Ownvalue to an indexedx
as you may intend. Read how to properly define indexed variables here. $\endgroup$