Can new (lower-level) notations be readily used within package code?
There are a few notational additions that might improve my code base but I'm not sure if these will end up being more trouble than they are worth.
For example, take a first step in an attempt to implement a more “natural” and “efficient” struct; Using MakeExpression
MakeExpression[RowBox[{lhs___, x__, "\[CenterDot]", y__, rhs___}],StandardForm] :=
MakeExpression[RowBox[{lhs, RowBox[{x, "[", y, "]"}], rhs}],StandardForm];
yields a more OO-like notation
In[2]:= obj."field1"."field2"
Out[2]:= obj["field1"]["field2"]
[Here the .
is mimicking Mma's \[CenterDot]
-SE won't let newbies post images)]
In any (frontend) package development however, placing obj."field1"."field2"
within an initialization cell causes this exact form to be placed in the corresponding .m file. It is this form that is subsequently loaded in by Get
i.e. without any of the frontend parsing provided by the MakeExpression
Hence the intended notation does not take effect in packages (instead CenterDot
in CenterDot[obj,"field1","field2"]
becomes unintentionally defined but a priori I want to avoid overloading CenterDot
for efficiency/inheritance/encapsulation reasons).
One hack is to forcibly activate the frontend's parser while loading in packages by invisibly opening up the .m file and evaluating all initialization cells - something along the lines of:
ParsingGet[pathTomFile_] := With[{nb = NotebookOpen[pathTomFile, Visible -> False]},
FrontEndTokenExecute[nb, "EvaluateInitialization"];
This then creates such messiness as having to explicitly integrate with Get
's package name arguments, multi-argument BeginPackage
calls, "stub symbols" and avoiding developmental surprises such as obj."field1"."field2"
not reflecting package updates in single frontend tests such as (ParsingGet[mfilepath]; obj."field1"."field2")
(the kernel will grab obj."field1"."field2"
and not let go).
I’m a bit wary of going down a path that seems to quickly set off a series of cascading hacks but on the other hand I’m wondering if I’ve missed something (an InitializionCell
-like option value?) or if anyone has extensively used such notational (or perhaps more accurately language) changes in package development?
One might expect they should be able to play nicely together since a whole package has been devoted to these lower-level notations in Mma (Jason Harris’s Notation package) and anyone going down this more involved notational route would surely want to harness them in their own packages at some point?