
I am badly stuck with this program I am writing. I want output of program below to be precise up to 25 digits after decimal point. I am supplying all inputs with precision 25. But after each iteration of main for loop, precision keeps on decreasing by some points. And as a result in about 100 iterations precision comes down to 0. I tried everything that I can think of including explicitly setting precision using SetPrecision in f1,f2,f3,N1,N2,N3,a. That would produce output but it's not correct as SetPrecision is just padding the digits from right. Appreciate any help/suggestions. Thankx.


Clear["Global`*"]; order = 0.89`25; parameter = 27.3`25; ic = {1000000001/100000000`25., 
  10, 10}; SIZE = 100;


   AbsoluteTiming[alph = bet = gam = order; h = 2/100; omeg = -2667/1000;
  mu = 10; A = parameter; B = 1;
 Array[y1, SIZE, 0]; y1[0] = ic[[1]];
 Array[y2, SIZE, 0]; y2[0] = ic[[2]]; Array[y3, SIZE, 0]; 
 y3[0] = ic[[3]];
 a[0 _, k_] := (k - 1)^(alph + 1) - (k - 1 - alph) k^alph;
 a[j_, k_] := (k - j + 1)^(alph + 1) + (k - 1 - j)^(alph + 1) - 
    2 (k - j)^(alph + 1) /; (1 <= j <= k - 1);
 a[j_, k_] := 1 /; j == k;
 l1 := h^alph/Gamma[alph + 2]; l2 := h^bet/Gamma[bet + 2]; 
 l3 := h^gam/Gamma[gam + 2];
 f1[t_, n_] := 
  l1*Sum[a[j, n]*omeg*y1[j], {j, 0, n - 1}] - 
   l1*Sum[a[j, n]*y2[j]*y2[j], {j, 0, n - 1}];
 f2[t_, n_] := 
  mu + l2*Sum[a[j, n]*mu*y3[j], {j, 0, n - 1}] - 
   l2*Sum[a[j, n]*mu*y2[j], {j, 0, n - 1}];
 f3[t_, n_] := 
  mu + l3*Sum[a[j, n]*A*y2[j], {j, 0, n - 1}] - 
   l3*Sum[a[j, n]*B*y3[j], {j, 0, n - 1}] + 
   l3*Sum[a[j, n]*y1[j]*y2[j], {j, 0, n - 1}];
 N1[u1_, u2_, u3_] := l1*(omeg*u1 - u2*u2);
 N2[u1_, u2_, u3_] := l2*(mu*u3 - mu*u2);
 N3[u1_, u2_, u3_] := l3*(A*u2 - B*u3 + u1*u2);
 For[i = 1, i <= SIZE - 1, i++,   (*main loop*)
  y10 = f1[h*i, i];
  y20 = f2[h*i, i];
  y30 = f3[h*i, i];
  y11 = N1[y10, y20, y30];
  y21 = N2[y10, y20, y30];
  y31 = N3[y10, y20, y30];
  y12 = N1[y10 + y11, y20 + y21, y30 + y31] - N1[y10, y20, y30];
  y22 = N2[y10 + y11, y20 + y21, y30 + y31] - N2[y10, y20, y30];
  y32 = N3[y10 + y11, y20 + y21, y30 + y31] - N3[y10, y20, y30];
  y1[i] = y10 + y11 + y12;
  y2[i] = y20 + y21 + y22;
  y3[i] = y30 + y31 + y32;];
 xx = Table[y1[i], {i, 0, SIZE - 1}];
 yy = Table[y2[i], {i, 0, SIZE - 1}];
 zz = Table[y3[i], {i, 0, SIZE - 1}];

Output error: General::ovfl: Overflow occurred in computation. >> Further it tells me there are no significant digits remaining to display.

In[78]:= xx

Out[78]= {1.000000000000000000000000, -3.35160956937173040383529, \
-7.6063107290506868684570, -13.965998348176594403068, \
-23.217734641185881084877, -34.75517400137475702813, \
-45.6273435387493774249, -52.0072035922437294633, \
-52.794258502857519941, -49.988719962104854383, \
-45.92876611511978598, -41.92397139618361145, -38.44386042357929135, \
-35.5347038434195767, -33.090746410617466, -30.988018715710107, \
-29.13155464170869, -27.46064718989206, -25.9403613009447, \
-24.5520756248237, -23.286816115939, -22.14149256760, \
-21.11722129330, -20.2189730943, -19.4560502901, -18.843109037, \
-18.401537933, -18.16095921, -18.16039845, -18.4482145, -19.0791605, \
-20.106105, -21.563607, -23.44219, -25.65784, -28.0311, -30.298, \
-32.166, -33.40, -33.90, -33.7, -32.9, -32., -30., -3.*10^1, \
-3.*10^1, -0.*10^1, 0.*10^2, 0.*10^3, 0.*10^7, 0.*10^19, 0.*10^63, 
 0.*10^219, 0.*10^766, 0.*10^2695, 0.*10^9485, 0.*10^33394, 
 0.*10^117589, 0.*10^414071, 0.*10^1458094, 0.*10^5134494, 
 0.*10^18080495, 0.*10^63668287, 0.*10^224200219, Overflow[], 
 Overflow[], Overflow[], Overflow[], Overflow[], Overflow[], 
 Overflow[], Overflow[], Overflow[], Overflow[], Overflow[], 
 Overflow[], Overflow[], Overflow[], Overflow[], Overflow[], 
 Overflow[], Overflow[], Overflow[], Overflow[], Overflow[], 
 Overflow[], Overflow[], Overflow[], Overflow[], Overflow[], 
 Overflow[], Overflow[], Overflow[], Overflow[], Overflow[], 
 Overflow[], Overflow[], Overflow[], Overflow[], Overflow[]}


In[79]:= Precision[xx]

Out[79]= 0.

Program works fine with MachinePrecision but that is not output I want.

  • 2
    $\begingroup$ Did you try to set the $MinPrecission to desired value? Like $MinPrecission=25 ?? $\endgroup$
    – Rom38
    Commented Jan 12, 2016 at 6:11
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Welcome to Mathematica.SE! 1) As you receive help, try to give it too, by answering questions in your area of expertise. 2) Take the tour and check the faqs! 3) When you see good questions and answers, vote them up by clicking the gray triangles, because the credibility of the system is based on the reputation gained by users sharing their knowledge. Also, please remember to accept the answer, if any, that solves your problem, by clicking the checkmark sign! $\endgroup$
    – user9660
    Commented Jan 12, 2016 at 6:14
  • $\begingroup$ @Rom38 wow. It worked like charm. Thank you very much. $\endgroup$ Commented Jan 12, 2016 at 7:07
  • $\begingroup$ You can reset precision or set a min precision, but unless there is an independent error analysis the result might be garbage. $\endgroup$ Commented Jan 12, 2016 at 15:40
  • $\begingroup$ @DanielLichtblau I understand your point. Could you guide me where to look up for error analysis for this type of programs? $\endgroup$ Commented Jan 13, 2016 at 9:46


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