I have a graphic where each Arrow
, Rectangle
, and Text
is a Button
. If any of these elements are clicked on it will turn blue and the number of selected Rectangles
and Arrows
will be counted.
When an Arrow
is clicked on more Text
will appear below that Arrow
. This Text
can also be clicked on.
I have been able to get all of this to work except for one important detail: when an Arrow
/stream (A
, B
, C
, or D
) is clicked on and Subscript[a,i]
, Subscript[b,i]
, Subscript[c,i]
, or Subscript[d,i]
(where i
ranges from 1 to 3) is shown, I want to be able to click on one of these new selections individually...
For example: I click on stream A
and Subscript[a,1]
, Subscript[a,2]
, and Subscript[a,3]
show up. I want to be able to click on Subscript[a,1]
but not Subscript[a,2]
or Subscript[a,3]
(or some other combination) so the one I click turns blue.
Currently if I click one, all three turn blue.
Here is the code I've been using:
Module[{comp, equipment, streams},
comp[label_, pos_] :=
Text[Style[Subscript[label, #], 15], pos, {0, #*2}] & /@
equipment = {
{"unit 1", Rectangle[{2, 0}, {4, 2}], Text["unit 1", {3, 1}]},
{"unit 2", Rectangle[{6, 0}, {8, 2}], Text["unit 2", {7, 1}]}
streams = {
{"A", Arrow[{{-1, 1}, {2, 1}}], Text["A", {0, 1}, {0, -1}],
comp["a", {0, 1}]},
{"B", Arrow[{{4, 1}, {6, 1}}], Text["B", {5, 1}, {0, -1}],
comp["b", {5, 1}]},
{"C", Arrow[{{8, 1}, {10, 1}}], Text["C", {9, 1}, {0, -1}],
comp["c", {9, 1}]},
{"D", Arrow[{{7, 0}, {7, -1}, {1, -1}, {1, 1}}],
Text["D", {4, -1}, {0, -1}], comp["d", {4, -1}]}
If[FreeQ[e, #[[1]]],
Button[{EdgeForm[Thick], #[[2]], Style[#[[3]], 16]},
AppendTo[e, #[[1]]]],
Button[{EdgeForm[{Thick, Blue}], #[[2]],
Style[#[[3]], 16, Bold, Blue]}, e = DeleteCases[e, #[[1]]]]
] & /@ equipment
If[FreeQ[s, #],
Button[{#[[2]], Style[#[[3]], 16]}, AppendTo[s, #]],
Button[{Blue, #[[2]], Style[#[[3]], 16, Bold]},
s = DeleteCases[s, #]]
] & /@ streams
Map[If[FreeQ[c, #],
Button[#[[4]], AppendTo[c, #]],
Button[Style[#[[4]], Bold, Blue], c = DeleteCases[c, #]]
] &, s]
}, ImageSize -> 500]
Control[{{species, 3, "number of species"}, {2, 3, 4}, Setter}],
Control[{{e, {}}, ControlType -> None}],
Control[{{s, {}}, ControlType -> None}],
Control[{{c, {}}, ControlType -> None}]
I have tried to separate each Subscript[j,i]
button without success.