It is known that several functions and options take some sort of input in this form:
The simple example for this is the PlotTheme
in plot:
Plot[Sin[x], {x, 0, 10}, PlotTheme -> "Marketing"];
Another example is:
Graph[{1 <-> 2, 2 <-> 3, 3 <-> 1}, VertexShapeFunction -> "Square"];
Some functions have an input in the same manner
For example:
My questions are:
1- what are these "something"
called. I have seen some places they are called settings and some other places called data.
2- How can I search these "something"
. Most of them are not in the documentation and also some options and functions does not list all of its such input in the documentation.
3- How can I list all of these "something" that an option or function can have as input.
I hope I can get a detailed answer for this
Thank you
Plot[Sin[x], {x, 0, 10}, PlotTheme ->
a pop-up selection menu will appear with the valid entries. Similarly forGraph[{1 <-> 2, 2 <-> 3, 3 <-> 1}, VertexShapeFunction ->
$\endgroup$It looks like something that could be re-written for this question though?
that might be possible. I do not know now. When finals are over, will see if I can change it to do what is being asked here. Unless someone has a better answer meanwhile. $\endgroup$