From Derbyshire's Prime Obsession, I would like to get the Mathematica code to generate a Hermitian matrix for evaluation and display. $ 256 \times 256 $ would be nice. Random Normal distribution, eigenvalues, etc. All or part code. Any references? I am but a humble novice. New to StackExchange. Thanks.
1 Answer
If I had interpreted you correctly, here's my attempt to do the figures here:
n = 269; k = 10;
mat = RandomVariate[GaussianUnitaryMatrixDistribution[n]];
eig = Sort[Eigenvalues[mat], LessEqual];
{p, q} = MinMax[eig]; h = (q - p)/k;
bins = BinLists[eig, {p, q, h}];
zer = Im[N[ZetaZero[Range[n]]]];
{zp, zq} = MinMax[zer]; zh = (zq - zp)/k;
zbins = BinLists[zer, {zp, zq, zh}];
{Graphics[Point[Flatten[MapIndexed[{#1 - h (#2[[1]] - 1), #2[[1]]} &, bins, {2}], 1]],
AspectRatio -> 1],
Graphics[Point[Flatten[MapIndexed[{#1 - zh (#2[[1]] - 1), #2[[1]]} &, zbins, {2}], 1]],
AspectRatio -> 1]} // GraphicsRow
. $\endgroup$