I would like to transform a an XMLObject
so as to replace all the non empty attributes of the XMLElements
by empty attributes.
The aim is to have a smaller structure that I could visualize with ExpressionTreePlot
May you help me to define a appropriated code with this sample to start ?
xml = XMLObject[
"System" -> "DEXXMLDoc.DTD"]},
"DEXXMLDoc", {"name" -> "RSM-a.xml", "creator" -> "DX8",
"version" -> "8.0.6"}, {XMLElement[
"designInfo", {"studyType" -> "ResponseSurface",
"designType" -> "CCD", "noOfRuns" -> "20", "noOfFactors" -> "3",
"noOfResponses" -> "2"}, {XMLElement[
"designNotes", {}, {"This data file created by Design-Expert \
6"}]}], XMLElement[
"blockInfo", {}, {XMLElement[
"block", {"code" -> "0", "name" -> "Block 1"}, {}],
XMLElement["block", {"code" -> "1", "name" -> "Block 2"}, {}]}]
Thank you for your help