
I define:

 f[x_] := Piecewise[{{5, 0 <= x < 10}, {g[x], 10 <= x < 15}, {h[x], x > 15}}]

Then I try to solve ODE:

 a = 0.7
 NDSolve[{g'[x] == Sin[x] + 2*With[{t = a*x}, Refine[f[t], 0 <= t < 10]], g[10] == 5},
 g[x], {x, 10, 14.2857}]

It gives $g[x]$ as InterpolatingFunction.

Then - plot it:

 Plot[f[x], {x, 0, 11}]

But it plots $f[x]$ only in {x, 0, 10}, where the function is defined manually. So, plotting $g[x]$ also doesn't give any result. I tried other definitions of Piecewise function (such as $f$), but it also didn't work. Solving ODE for $f[x]$ (not for $g[x]$) is helpless.

So, my question is: Can I use different undefined parts of Piecewise function for calculations? If not, are there another possibilities to do this in Mathematica maybe?


2 Answers 2

f[x_] := Piecewise[{{5, 0 <= x < 10}, {g[x], 10 <= x < 15}, {h[x], x > 15}}]

a = 0.7
NDSolve[{g'[x] == Sin[x] + 2*With[{t = a*x}, Refine[f[t], 0 <= t < 10]], g[10] == 5},
 g[x], {x, 10, 14.2857}]

g[x_] = g[x] /. % // First

Plot[f[x], {x, 0, 15}]



f[x_] = Piecewise[{{5, 0 <= x < 10}, {g[x], 10 <= x < 15}, {h[x], x > 15}}]

enter image description here

a = 0.7;
g[x_] = g[x] /. 
   NDSolve[{g'[x] == Sin[x] + 2*With[{t = a*x}, Refine[f[t], 0 <= t < 10]], 
      g[10] == 5}, g[x], {x, 10, 14.2857}][[1]];

Plot[f[x], {x, 0, 11}, AxesOrigin -> {0, 0}]

enter image description here

However, DSolve can be used rather than NDSolve

g[x_] = g[x] /. 
  DSolve[{g'[x] == Sin[x] + 2*With[{t = a*x}, Refine[f[t], 0 <= t < 10]], 
     g[10] == 5}, g[x], x][[1]]

-95 + 10 x + Cos[10] - Cos[x]

Plot[f[x], {x, 0, 11}, AxesOrigin -> {0, 0}]

enter image description here


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