I define a region as follows:
In[259]:= \[ScriptCapitalR] =
Polygon[{{0, 0}, {Re[gam2], Im[gam2]}, {gam1 + Re[gam2],
Im[gam2]}, {gam1, 0}}] ;
According to http://reference.wolfram.com/language/ref/NIntegrate.html, I should be able to integrate over this region simply as follows:
NIntegrate[x^2 *y^2, {x, y} \[Element] \[ScriptCapitalR]]
But I keep getting this error:
NIntegrate::vars: Integration range specification {x,y}\[Element]\[ScriptCapitalR] is not of the form {x, xmin, ..., xmax}. >>
Why is that?
was introduced in V10. I suspect you're using an earlier version of Mathematica. $\endgroup$