I want to do following:
ArcTan[1/Sqrt[-1 + (4 Sqrt[2] x^2)/(5 xc^2)]] /.4 Sqrt[2]/5->a^2
I expect to have
ArcTan[1/Sqrt[-1 + x^2/(a^2 xc^2)]]
Mathematica cannot recognize 4 Sqrt[2]/5 in expression.
Sqrt[5/3] + 1 /. Sqrt[5/3] -> a
(* 1 + a *)
Tanh[Sqrt[5/3] x] /. Sqrt[5/3] -> a
(* Tanh[a x] *)
Try starting a new Mathematica session
ArcTan[1/Sqrt[-1 + (4 Sqrt[2] x^2)/(5 xc^2)]] /. 4 Sqrt[2]/5 -> a^2
Feb 6, 2015 at 19:01
is ambiguous, add a space to get/. 4