I am trying to make a set of scatterplots where the 'u' value is a year. I am using the following dataset:
DataPoints = {{{39, 34}, {58, 72}, {55, 71}, {61, 42}, {56, 60}, {23,
83}, {57, 70}, {54, 72}, {23, 80}, {20, 36}, {28, 64}, {25,
21}, {24, 90}, {57, 79}, {22, 65}, {53, 52}, {19, 74}, {63,
48}}, {{66, 59}, {62, 63}, {66, 37}, {65, 25}, {87, 78}, {61,
34}, {17, 27}, {55, 46}, {61, 38}, {70, 70}}, {{59, 43}, {55,
45}, {18, 16}, {29, 37}, {43, 30}, {62, 58}}, {{48, 59}, {14,
42}, {61, 39}, {55, 38}, {13, 38}, {17, 42}, {15, 27}, {58,
62}, {30, 46}, {54, 41}, {44, 23}, {53, 55}}}
Countries = {{"ARG", "CAN", "CZE", "FRA", "GER", "GHA", "ITA", "JPN",
"KEN", "LBN", "MEX", "PAK", "PHL", "POL", "ZAF", "KOR", "UGA",
"GBR"}, {"AUS", "CAN", "FRA", "GER", "ISR", "ITA", "LBN", "KOR",
"ESP", "GBR"}, {"FRA", "GER", "PAK", "RUS", "TUR", "GBR"}, {"CAN",
"CHN", "FRA", "GER", "IDN", "LBN", "PAK", "POL", "RUS", "ESP",
"TUR", "GBR"}}
I am using the following to do this:
PlotRange -> {{0, 100}, {0, 100}}, AxesOrigin -> {0, 0},
AxesLabel -> {"X", "Y"}], {{year,1}, {1 -> "2002", 2 -> "2003", 3 -> "2004",
4 -> "2005"}}]
Is there a way to label each datapoint on the scatterplot with a Manipulate function? I can get it to work for one year only...
Thanks, Arebearit
Note: Edited because first problem was solved.
accommodates labels when the mouse hovers over a point. Is that useful? $\endgroup$