The MuPAD Notebook Interface provides the linalg::intBasis
How can I get the same functionality in Mathematica?
There exists an old thread called "Intersection of two vector spaces":
Intersection of two vector spaces
However, I am searching for a general solution which works with any number of vector spaces (like the linalg::intBasis
does), not just two.
Moreover, the solution given in this old thread misbehaves in many cases (that I tried).
For three vector spaces I tried getIntersection[V1, getIntersection[V2, V3]]
but it returned an incorrect result (where V1, V2 and V3 come from the "Example 1" from the linalg::intBasis
web link given above).
Also, if I try getIntersection[V1, V1]
it happily returns the {0, 0}
vector among the basis vectors.
Additionally, the first comment (by Daniel Lichtblau) in the first "Answer" in this old thread says that one can also use coeffs=ker[[All,1;;n]]; ker.coeffs
but the ker.coeffs
part often generates an error: Dot::dotsh: Tensors {...} and {...} have incompatible shapes.
(Note: I'm a newcomer here and apparently I have no way to post "comments" in threads which do not belong to me as I get an error saying "You must have 50 reputation to comment" and my "answers" there get deleted. So, I am unable to report problems which I find in them.)
Update (2019.08.07): I have been using the code provided here for several years now. I have found that in some cases, especially when dealing with inexact numerical matrices, it could misbehave. I finally decided to do something about it and, with the help provided in this thread, I came out with this improved function, which may be useful for a casual trespasser who reads this. Note that the Chop
function uses a default tolerance of 10.^(-10)
but, you can easily change it in the getIntersectionBasis
below, e.g.: use Chop[FullSimplify[#], 1.*^-14]
(for a tolerance of 10.^(-14)
getIntersectionBasis[] := {}
getIntersectionBasis[{}] := {}
getIntersectionBasis[{}, __] := {}
getIntersectionBasis[__, {}] := {}
getIntersectionBasis[l1_] := getIntersectionBasis[l1, l1]
getIntersectionBasis[l1_, l2_, l3__] :=
getIntersectionBasis[l1, getIntersectionBasis[l2, l3]]
getIntersectionBasis[l1_, l2_] :=
Catch[With[{ker = FullSimplify[NullSpace[FullSimplify[Transpose[Join[l1, l2]]], ZeroTest->(PossibleZeroQ[Chop[FullSimplify[#]]]&)]]},
If[ker === {}, Throw[{}],
DeleteCases[FullSimplify[RowReduce[FullSimplify[ker[[All, 1 ;; Length[l1]]].l1], ZeroTest->(PossibleZeroQ[Chop[FullSimplify[#]]]&)]], {__?(PossibleZeroQ[Chop[FullSimplify[#]]]&)}]]]
option inNullSpace
. $\endgroup$Tolerance
and it never helped (in cases in which I had problems withgetIntersectionBasis
). AddingZeroTest
solved the problem (at least in the majority of cases). I still have matrices of "exact" complex values for whichNullSpace
is unable to deliver the result (in these cases I need to applyN
and calculate it numerically). $\endgroup$