I am trying to plot the path of an object around a centre of mass. Obviously this needs spherical coordinates. The problem I encounter is with the derivatives. The Derivatives in spherical coordinates are for
(radial, azimuthal, polar) (r,theta,phi):
dr = r'
dϕ = r ϕ'
dθ = r Sin[ϕ] θ
Where the accelerations in theta and phi remain 0 for now.
But I need values for the initial velocity, this means that when I add the sinus to the NDSolve, it can't solve the set of equations; This is the furthest I've come. In truth, I'm not sure if this is the right approach or not, but solving the equations in Cartesian coordinates brings a lot more problems.
b = 20;
ball = First@NDSolve[{r''[t] == -9.81/r[t]^2, r[0] == 5, r'[0] == 0,
WhenEvent[r[t] == 2.25, r'[t] -> -0.9 r'[t]], θ''[t] == 0,
θ[0] == 0,r[0] θ'[0] == π/4, ϕ''[t] == 0,
ϕ[0] == π,r[0] ϕ'[0] == π/4}, {r, θ, ϕ}, {t, 0, b}];
The following doesn't work (third row, added sinus):
ball = First @ NDSolve[{r''[t] == -9.81/r[t]^2, r[0] == 5, r'[0] == 0,
WhenEvent[r[t] == 2.25, r'[t] -> -0.9 r'[t]], θ''[t] == 0,
θ[0] == 0,r[0] Sin[ϕ[0]] θ'[0] == π/4, ϕ''[t] == 0,
ϕ[0] == π,r[0] ϕ'[0] == π/4}, {r, θ, ϕ}, {t, 0, b}];
I then plot with:
ParametricPlot3D[{r[t] Sin[θ[t]] Cos[ϕ[t]] /. ball,
r[t] Sin[θ[t]] Sin[ϕ[t]] /. ball,
r[t] Cos[θ[t]] /. ball}, {t, 0, a},
PlotStyle -> {Gray, Dashed, Thick},
PlotRange -> {{-5, 5}, {-5, 5}, {-5, 5}}],
ParametricPlot3D[{r[t] Sin[θ[t]] Cos[ϕ[t]] /. ball,
r[t] Sin[θ[t]] Sin[ϕ[t]] /. ball,
r[t] Cos[θ[t]] /. ball}, {t, a - 0.001, a},
PlotStyle -> {Black, Thickness[0.05]},
PlotRange -> {{-5, 5}, {-5, 5}, {-5, 5}}],
Graphics3D[Sphere[{0, 0, 0}, 2]]],
{{a, b/100, "Time"}, b/100, b}]
ball = First @ NDSolve[{x''[t]^2 + y''[t]^2 + z''[t]^2 ==
-9.81^2/(x''[t]^2 + y''[t]^2 + z''[t]^2)^2,
x[0] == 3, y[0] == 3, z[0] == 3, x'[0] == 1, y'[0] == 0,
z'[0] == 0,
WhenEvent[x''[t]^2 + y''[t]^2 + z''[t]^2 == 2.25^2,
x''[t]^2 + y''[t]^2 + z''[t]^2 -> -0.9 x''[t]^2 + y''[t]^2 +
z''[t]^2]}, {x, y, z}, {t, 0, b}];
Returns an under-determined error.
I get that I have only one second derivative, but going all out (added row 3):
ball = First@NDSolve[{x''[t]^2 + y''[t]^2 +
z''[t]^2 == -9.81^2/(x''[t]^2 + y''[t]^2 + z''[t]^2)^2,
ArcTan[x[t], y[t]] == 0, ArcTan[z[t], Sqrt[x[t]^2 + y[t]^2]] == 0,
x[0] == 3, y[0] == 3, z[0] == 3, x'[0] == 1, y'[0] == 0,
z'[0] == 0,
WhenEvent[x''[t]^2 + y''[t]^2 + z''[t]^2 == 2.25^2,
x''[t]^2 + y''[t]^2 + z''[t]^2 -> -0.9 x''[t]^2 + y''[t]^2 +
z''[t]^2]}, {x, y, z}, {t, 0, b}];
produces the messages:
Warning: the rule (x'')[t]^2+(y'')[t]^2+(z'')[t]^2->-0.9 (x'')[t]^2+(y'')[t]^2+(z''[t]^2 will not directly set the state because the left-hand side is not a list of state variables. >>
Unable to find initial conditions that satisfy the residual function within specified tolerances. Try giving initial conditions for both values and derivatives of the functions. >>
. They may help you formulated your problem in a way that allows Mathematica to do more of the coordinate system transformation work for you. $\endgroup$