
I want to numerically integrate function berrycur over kx and ky. The definition of berrycur is given at the end of the question. The plot of berrycur[kx,ky,1] is shown as follows:

enter image description here

and numerical integration

 berrycur[kx, ky, 1], {kx, -((2 \π)/Sqrt[3]), (2 \π)/Sqrt[3]}, {ky, 0, (4 \π)/3}]

gives error message

NIntegrate::slwcon: Numerical integration converging too slowly; suspect one of the following: singularity, value of the integration is 0, highly oscillatory integrand, or WorkingPrecision too small. >>

The correct answer should be zero. Since the function is abnormal at some places, the error message is forgivable.

Then I define another function berrycurtmp which is

berrycursum[kx_?NumericQ, ky_?NumericQ] = 
 berrycur[kx, ky, 1] + berrycur[kx, ky, 2]

the plot of berrycursum is smooth now as shown in

enter image description here

But the numerical integration

     berrycur[kx, ky, 1], {kx, -((2 \π)/Sqrt[3]), (2 \π)/Sqrt[3]}, {ky, 0, (4 \π)/3}]

still gives error message

NIntegrate::slwcon: Numerical integration converging too slowly; suspect one of the following: singularity, value of the integration is 0, highly oscillatory integrand, or WorkingPrecision too small. >>

why? And how could we get the correct answer zero?? And how to speed up this numerical integration?

The definition of berrycur is here

h[kx_, ky_] := {{0.01` + 
     0.1` (-4 Cos[1.5` ky] Sin[0.8660254037844386` kx] + 
        2 Sin[1.7320508075688772` kx]), 
    1 + 2 Cos[0.8660254037844386` kx] Cos[1.5` ky] - 
     2 I Cos[0.8660254037844386` kx] Sin[1.5` ky], 0, 
    0}, {1 + 2 Cos[0.8660254037844386` kx] Cos[1.5` ky] + 
     2 I Cos[0.8660254037844386` kx] Sin[1.5` ky], -0.01` - 
     0.1` (-4 Cos[1.5` ky] Sin[0.8660254037844386` kx] + 
        2 Sin[1.7320508075688772` kx]), 0, 0}, {0, 0, 
    0.01` - 0.1` (-4 Cos[1.5` ky] Sin[0.8660254037844386` kx] + 
        2 Sin[1.7320508075688772` kx]), 
    1 + 2 Cos[0.8660254037844386` kx] Cos[1.5` ky] - 
     2 I Cos[0.8660254037844386` kx] Sin[1.5` ky]}, {0, 0, 
    1 + 2 Cos[0.8660254037844386` kx] Cos[1.5` ky] + 
     2 I Cos[0.8660254037844386` kx] Sin[1.5` ky], -0.01` + 
     0.1` (-4 Cos[1.5` ky] Sin[0.8660254037844386` kx] + 
        2 Sin[1.7320508075688772` kx])}};
dim = Length@h[1, 1];

Clear[hpar1, hpar2];
hpar1[kx_, ky_] = D[h[kx, ky], kx];
hpar2[kx_, ky_] = D[h[kx, ky], ky];

purifyeigs[eigs_] := 
  Transpose@Sort@Transpose@{Re[eigs[[1]]], eigs[[2]]};

berrycur[kxkx_?NumericQ, kyky_?NumericQ, i_] := Module[{eigs},
  eigs = purifyeigs@Eigensystem[h[kxkx, kyky]];
  Im@Sum[((Conjugate[eigs[[2, i]]].hpar1[kxkx, kyky].eigs[[2, 
           j]])*(Conjugate[eigs[[2, j]]].hpar2[kxkx, kyky].eigs[[2, 
           i]]) - (Conjugate[eigs[[2, i]]].hpar2[kxkx, kyky].eigs[[2, 
           j]])*(Conjugate[eigs[[2, j]]].hpar1[kxkx, kyky].eigs[[2, 
           i]]))/(eigs[[1, i]] - eigs[[1, j]])^2, {j, 
     DeleteCases[Range[1, dim], i]}]]

1 Answer 1


It's numeric integration. So it has no means of "knowing" the correct result is zero. In the process error estimates will be formed and if they are larger than the estimated result, this is a problem. But of course they must be larger since the actual result is zero.

The way to tame this is to specify an AccuracyGoal that is attainable using the given precision of the input. That way NIntegrate might be convinced to give up gracefully once error estimates show the accuracy (in the sense of Mathematica's documentation for Accuracy, that is, number of correct digits to right of decimal point) has been attained.

NIntegrate[berrycur[kx, ky, 1], {kx, -((2 \[Pi])/Sqrt[3]), (2 \[Pi])/Sqrt[3]},
 {ky, 0, (4 \[Pi])/3}, AccuracyGoal -> 12]

(* Out[352]= -3.80551771684*10^-14 *)
  • $\begingroup$ Thank you very much! AccuracyGoal works perfectly $\endgroup$
    – matheorem
    Commented Jun 26, 2014 at 23:41

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