I am trying to figure out the best way to include a variable number of indexes of summation in a program.
For example: Suppose I want to define a function $g[n,s]$ that returns the sum $$\sum_{a_1+...+a_s=n}\hbox{Multinomial}[a_1,\ldots, a_s]$$
I can do this with the following code:
vv[n_,s_,0]:=Multinomial @@ Flatten[{Array[p,s],n-Sum[p[k],{k,1,s}]}];
But this runs very slowly, presumably because it spends a lot of time computing big symbolic expressions. (That is, the value of vv[n,s,k] is a big symbolic expression, not a number, at least as long as $k\neq s$.)
I feel like there must be a more efficient way to do this. If $s$ were fixed I wouldn't have to form the big expression; I'd just keep a running total of the summands as I iterated through their values. But in this case, I don't know in advance how many iterating indices I need, so I've resorted to the above.
Is there some standard and/or obvious trick for handling this?
In case it's relevant for efficiency issues, the function I'm actually interested in is not Multinomial but a function that takes on real numbers as values.