
I was trying to fit a set of data onto a logistic equation, however it ended up telling me that the initial value when $t=0$ is greater than the maximum limit, thus I am led to believe that it isn't working.

My approach:

Here are the data points with the top row being day and the second row being height (cm)


I put them into mathematica by the following:


I need to fit this data into this equation

$\frac{C}{1+\frac{C-N_0}{N_0}e^{-rt}}$, where $C$ is defined as the maximum possible height, $N_0$ is the height when $t=0$, $r$ is some constant, $e$ is Euler's Constant and $t$ is time

Since $C$ and $N$ are already used by mathematica, i used $c$ and $n$


The output was:

{c->163.363, n->653566, r->236.408}

What have I done wrong to get these values? Also I am positive I have the correct equation as this is what the assignment tells us is the equation and all the other questions work. (Although they are a different style and we are given $N_0$ and $C$ in those ones)

My expected output for $C$ and $N_0$ I believe is around

{c->256, n->9}

However I am unsure about $r$ but believe it to be under $1$ and positive


2 Answers 2


This is quite common a problem when doing nonlinear fit. As far as I know, the most general and effective solution for it is to give the fitted parameters a good enough start value, which you've already known for your specific problem:

exp = c/(1 + ((c - n)/n)*E^(-r*t));
FindFit[points, exp, {{c, 256}, {n, 9}, r}, t]
Show[Plot[exp /. %, {t, 7, 84}], ListPlot@points]
{c -> 261.04, n -> 12.3092, r -> 0.0877072}

enter image description here

  • $\begingroup$ Thanks, i didn't know you could give the variables a rough starting value. $\endgroup$
    – VikeStep
    Commented Feb 21, 2014 at 11:07

If "diagnostics" or standard errors are required you can use NonlinearModelFit with the starting values:

fun = c n/(n + (c - n) Exp[-r t]);
nlm = NonlinearModelFit[points, fun, {{c, 256}, {n, 9}, r}, t]

Visualizing fit:

Show[ListPlot[points], Plot[nlm[t], {t, 0, 90}]]

enter image description here

You can get model:



3213.19/(12.3092 + 248.73 E^(-0.0877072 t))

You can look at model properties:


For example:


yields 0.999586.



enter image description here


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