how is it possible to divide two equations with Mathematica?
I have the following code:
eqn416 = a == Kp h (1 - E^(-ta/tau))
eqn417 = a/2 == Kp h (1 - E^(-ta2/tau))
Obviously one will get
2 E^(-(ta2/tau)) - E^(-(ta/tau)) == 1
by dividing them, but with
Eliminate[{eqn416, eqn417}, {Kp, h, a}]
I only get 'True'.
And if I try just to eliminate 2 of them and assuming afterwards 'a' is not zero
Eliminate[{eqn416, eqn417}, {Kp, h}];
FullSimplify[%, a != 0]
I'm not getting rid of 'a'!
FullSimplify[a (1 + E^(-(ta/tau)) - 2 E^(-(ta2/tau))) == 0,
a != 0]
(* Out[434]= a (1 + E^(-(ta/tau)) - 2 E^(-(ta2/tau))) == 0 *)
Any suggestions?
works primarily with linear and polynomial equations", so probably it's not the best solution here. $\endgroup$FullSimplify
to them assuming that a!=0, one of the results is the one You want. I copied the code block with %[[2]] from Your question and the result was the one You wanted. $\endgroup$Reduce
in such cases. $\endgroup$