I'm trying to make a make a plot of a table of expressions, which should be pre-evaluated (since they are infinite series with analytic sums). I'm able to make the plot normally with Evaluate @ Table
Plot[Evaluate@Table[Sum[t^k/k! Exp[-t], {k, 0, Infinity, n}], {n, 1, 5}], {t, 0, 5}]
But when I surround it with a Manipulate it no longer works (there are errors that indicate Mathematica is evaluating the summation with a fixed value of t, which doesn't work at t = 0, k = 0
Plot[Evaluate @
Table[Sum[ ((a t)^k)/k! Exp[-a t], {k, 0, Infinity, n}], {n, 1, 5}], {t, 0, 5}],
{a, 0, 3}]
I know I can just evaluate the table and copy-paste, but I was hoping for a more elegant solution.