To expand on rm -rf's hint, the variables need to be positive and real in order for the result you wish to see to hold. You can tell Mathematica to do this using the Assumptions
FullSimplify[r^2 + (r^(2/x))^x + (r^(2/(x + y)))^(x + y),
Assumptions -> {x > 0, y > 0, r > 0}]
3 r^2
To see that this is really needed, consider an example where it is violated:
r^2 + (r^(2/x))^x + (r^(2/(x + y)))^(x + y) /. {r -> -1, x -> -1/3, y -> -1}
2 - (-1)^(1/3)
which is not equal to 3 r^2
. (Thanks to rm -rf for the improved example).
automatically assumes that the variables are real and positive, so you do not need to state it explicitly.