
I have a list

list={{ω->0.538826+1.31221 I},{ω->-0.538826+1.31221 I},{ω->-1.2444-0.68023 I},{ω->1.2444-0.68023 I},{ω->0.496864+1.32811 I},{ω->-0.496864+1.32811 I},{ω->1.22187-0.719147 I},{ω->-1.22187-0.719147 I},{ω->0.454442+1.34261 I},{ω->-0.454442+1.34261 I},{ω->1.19811-0.757303 I},{ω->-1.19811-0.757303 I},{ω->1.17316-0.794657 I},{ω->-1.17316-0.794657 I},{ω->0.411617+1.35568 I},{ω->-0.411617+1.35568 I},{ω->-1.14704-0.831174 I},{ω->1.14704-0.831174 I}}

and I would like to sort it by ascending positive. I tried with the Sort command

Sort[list, (Re[#1[[1, 2]]] < Re[#2[[1, 2]]] && Re[#1[[1, 2]]] > 0) &]

but it does not sort them in desired order:

{{ω->1.14704-0.831174 I},{ω->-1.14704-0.831174 I},{ω->-0.411617+1.35568 I},{ω->0.411617+1.35568 I},{ω->-1.17316-0.794657 I},{ω->1.17316-0.794657 I},{ω->-1.19811-0.757303 I},{ω->1.19811-0.757303 I},{ω->-0.454442+1.34261 I},{ω->0.454442+1.34261 I},{ω->-1.22187-0.719147 I},{ω->1.22187-0.719147 I},{ω->-0.496864+1.32811 I},{ω->0.496864+1.32811 I},{ω->1.2444-0.68023 I},{ω->-1.2444-0.68023 I},{ω->-0.538826+1.31221 I},{ω->0.538826+1.31221 I}}

How am I wrong?

Thanks in advance

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ In which sense " it does not function" ? $\endgroup$ Commented Oct 14, 2013 at 13:50
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ The && Re[#1[[1, 2]]] > 0 part makes this not be a "valid" ordering i.e. the outcome will depend on the initial order of the list (and sorting algorithm used). $\endgroup$
    – ssch
    Commented Oct 14, 2013 at 13:58
  • $\begingroup$ @ssch, how can I overcome the problem? $\endgroup$
    – user9994
    Commented Oct 14, 2013 at 14:13
  • $\begingroup$ Can you clarify on the ordering? SortBy[list, -Abs[Re[ω /. #]] &] doesn't match your desired output $\endgroup$
    – ssch
    Commented Oct 14, 2013 at 14:21
  • $\begingroup$ @ssch, I would like to have the terms with the smallest positive real part first. the answer of Jacob Akkerboom solved my problem. Do you suggest any other solution? $\endgroup$
    – user9994
    Commented Oct 14, 2013 at 19:22

1 Answer 1


How about first selecting the values that you want to keep and then sorting? For example

limitedList2 = Select[list, Re[#[[1, 2]]] > 0 &];
SortBy[limitedList2, Re[#[[1, 2]]] &]

{{ω->0.411617 +1.35568 I},{ω->0.454442 +1.34261 I},{ω->0.496864 +1.32811 I},{ω->0.538826 +1.31221 I},{ω->1.14704 -0.831174 I},{ω->1.17316 -0.794657 I},{ω->1.19811 -0.757303 I},{ω->1.22187 -0.719147 I},{ω->1.2444 -0.68023 I}}

or if you want a more compact data structure

limitedList = 
 Cases[list, _Complex?(Composition[Positive, Re]), Infinity];
SortBy[limitedList, Re]

{0.411617 + 1.35568 I, 0.454442 + 1.34261 I, 0.496864 + 1.32811 I, 0.538826 + 1.31221 I, 1.14704 - 0.831174 I, 1.17316 - 0.794657 I, 1.19811 - 0.757303 I, 1.22187 - 0.719147 I, 1.2444 - 0.68023 I}

  • $\begingroup$ thank you very much, it works perfectly. $\endgroup$
    – user9994
    Commented Oct 14, 2013 at 19:21

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